Sublease: how to rent someone else's apartment correctly and legally

In the city centers and in tourist areas, it is easy to turn the availability of living space into a profitable business. Especially when this apartment has a modern design and furniture. And if you are active, sociable and enterprising, you can earn good money, for example, by renting out such housing or part of it for daily rent.
At the same time, it is not necessary to be the owner of real estate, you can rent someone else's apartment and rent it to third parties. This practice is called subletting. It is considered absolutely normal when it is carried out within the framework of the law. It is important to note here that it is impossible to rent someone else's property without the written consent of the owner. The rule applies to both residential and commercial real estate.
What does the chain of interactions look like when concluding a sublease agreement?
The owner of the property rents it to the tenant and at the same time allows the retake to third parties. In turn, the tenant, renting an apartment, can rent it to other people, that is, subleaders. As a rule, risks are stipulated in advance: possible damage to property and other obligations.
It is noteworthy that the income from subletting can significantly exceed the cost of renting from the owner. And here a lot depends on the choice of the object, on the business qualities of the tenant, as well as on the terms of his contract with the owner of the property.
Added: 20.04.2023
View count: 1080