"When the market is restless, it's good." Expert — about the advantages of luxury housing and the architecture of Rostov
The expert of the elite real estate market Alexey Maralin said in an interview 161.RU , which apartments are in demand, why premium-class housing in Rostov so far represent single projects and what architecture the city lacks.

Sleeping bags lose to the center, although it is more expensive: developers have named a popular area for moving
As practice shows, many visitors are drawn to the central part, and these are not only students from the region who need to live closer to the university, but also residents of other regions. Historically, the city was built from the river, and all the infrastructure, shopping areas, factories, merchant theaters — everything was here.

"Apartment prices are rising, but the quality is falling." How the Rostov real estate market survives
In his opinion, many developers are poorly suited to the development of projects and the quality of the product. Architecture is not just bad — it doesn't exist. Potential buyers, accordingly, have no motivation to move to Rostov.

TOP luxury apartments in Rostov-on-Don
While ordinary Rostov residents complain about the rise in price per square meter in new buildings and leaf through ad sites, obscenely luxurious apartments appear in the feed.

The best regional broker of elite real estate was a company from Rostov-on-Don
In Moscow, within the framework of the International Housing Congress, an award ceremony was held for participants of the national competition in the field of real estate, construction and mortgage CREDO*-2022. The best regional brokerage company in the luxury real estate market in 2022 was "Maralin Ru" from Rostov-on-Don.

Pushkin chic, Elevator to the kitchen and rooftop pool
What's inside the average Rostov apartment? The set is modest, but comfort is provided. This is furniture, appliances, balcony or loggia, panoramic Windows. If a person wants to increase the level of their real estate, make it more attractive

Maralin Ru partner of Azimut
Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sochi, Krasnodar, Crimea-a New direction of Maralin development.Ru Read on the pages of the airline's on-Board magazine Azimut. Electronic version of the magazine by link.

Demand for suburban real estate has increased
In connection with the introduction of self-isolation in the Rostov region, the demand for suburban real estate has increased. The most popular was the rental of houses and cottages in the country. According to Avito, in April compared to March, the rental prices of various types of such real estate

Real estate for business and investment
When opening a new business, the key value is the room that the entrepreneur chooses. Depending on the tasks, it can be an office, a room for a cafe or restaurant, a retail outlet, or a warehouse. Choose such a room carefully, taking into account all the nuances.

Crisis 2020 and the ruble exchange rate: buy, sell or wait?
- Since 2008, I have already passed 4 crises. And based on my experience, I can say that there is no need to panic now. The currency market has not been linked to the ruble for the past two years. Payments in foreign currency, of course, remained. But they do not affect the valuation of real estate.

Certification - quality of services, safe transactions and trust of clients
Real estate has always been one of the most profitable investments. Buying a home is a legally complex procedure, in which errors are not allowed. That is why you should contact professionals

Alexey Maralin is a full member Of the international Academy of Mortgage and real Estate
The international Academy of Mortgage and real Estate (MAIN) was established on February 28, 2002 at a joint meeting of the State Duma Committee on industry, construction and high-tech technologies, the State Duma

Rating of the most expensive apartments in Rostov-on-don
RBC Rostov studied the market of luxury real estate in Rostov and found out how much are the most expensive apartments in the city and who buys them Выделите текст, чтобы посмотреть примеры

From cehoslovacia real estate appraisal
In this article, I would like to reflect a few points that mislead market participants. And the most important problem that arises from my judgments — the object is not for sale, moreover, it does not even look buyers. The reason is the erroneous actions of the sellers themselves.

Rostov Agency of real estate received the prestigious award of the contest Credo-2017
Rostov Agency of real estate Maralin Ru at the end of the contest Credo-2017 won an award — the diploma in the nomination "the Best company providing personal services on the real estate market." The contest was held under the Housing Congress in Saint-Petersburg.

The names of the best realtors and the best real estate agencies in the South of Russia
At the exhibition "housing Fair" which took place in the "Dalexpocenter", awarded the participants of the contest "Best real estate Agency and the best realtor in the South of Russia — 2017".

ar Rostov: where to buy a house for 200 million rubles
Housing of the don region took the seventh position in the ranking of elite. According to CIAN, the cost of the most expensive mansion in Komyshuvakha is 160 million rubles. According to the Rostov realtors, today, among the objects they sell are more expensive.

Gallery of Antiques and the pier: the most expensive home in Rostov region
RBC South have studied the market the most expensive homes sold in the Rostov region and learned of those who buy luxury real estate

Congratulation with New 2017 and Mary Christmas
Dear residents of Rostov! In the person of the chairman of chamber of the Southern management of the real estate I want to congratulate you with coming 2017 and Christmas. I wish stability, successful transactions, implementation of new plans and the ideas in new 2017.

Luxury real estate as way of life
Interview for the PRO Magazine business about the market of the elite real estate of Rostov-on-Don and area. Forecasts, analytics and tendencies. Whether it should be taken into account objects of the elite real estate for investment? What it is necessary to pay attention in case of the choice of a real estate object to?

How to save up to 1 000 000 rubles upon purchase of the apartment in 2016?
Despite crisis and developments of stagnation in the sphere of economy, 2016 was rather fruitful for the real estate market. The main role in this process was played by the state support of the construction market in the field of subsidizing of a mortgage on purchase of new buildings.

Report on action on March 18, 2016 partners of bank of Sberbank and UPN
On March 18 in Rostov there has taken place the next joint action - round tables with members of Southern Chamber of Real Estate Non-profit Partnership and PJSC Sberbank. The staff of "Sberbank" and UPN have made a speech at the conference held within a meeting

There has begun the work the Internet channel about real estate Maralin TV
We are glad to report that our Internet channel about real estate Maralin is started by TV in work. We have spent a lot of time for creation of this information field, and are sure that cooperation with us will allow you to present to target audience the interesting ideas and thoughts.

UPN in common with Sberbank plans to carry out a round table
In Rostov the scheduled meeting of the Southern chamber of real estate has taken place. Members of UPN — the realtor agencies working at the territory of the Don region. According to the chairman of the board Alexey Maralin, UPN promotes development of the civilized market of real estate.

How to avoid the conflict with the client: advice to the realtor
Ideal people don't exist. Ideal clients especially. Therefore from the conflicts nobody is insured. Experts to whom we have talked are sure that realtors are guilty of the conflict with the difficult client most often. As to the agent not to lose the client, money and reputation.

That will be with housing prices in the south in 2016
According to experts of the market of real estate of Rostov-on-Don, demand for housing of the South will continue to decrease. However you shouldn't expect essential price fluctuations: "vtorichka" can fall in price within 10%, the cost of apartments in new buildings remains former.

The real estate in Rostov-on-Don — whether should be bought now?
The real estate always by right was considered as one of the most favorable forms of investment of capital. Depending on the objective reasons demand for it that decreases, increases, but never disappears absolutely. Even in the period of an economic crisis, demand was.

Alternative transaction: favorable exchange or sale?
Usual purchase and sale of real estate – not such difficult transaction, unlike alternative, but, despite it, the last is more popular. Generally new housing in Rostov, is acquired on means which are received at sale of old real estate.

The results of the outgoing 2015 with the real estate agency Maralin Ru
One more year, ambiguous and changeable comes to an end, comes new from which, certainly, we expect only the best. There is a wish to congratulate heartily all on this wonderful and magic holiday – New 2016!

Summing up the work of the Southern Chamber of Real Estate for 2015
As it appeared, 2015 for the sphere of real estate was sated with significant events. For example, changes are made to the tax law, terms of free privatization are prolonged, cancellation of share construction is also planned.

The awarding ceremony for the participants of the contest “My Dream Job” took place in Rostov.
To organizers of competition more than 100 demands from children age from 3 to 15 years arrived. Young residents of Rostov sent drawings in which representatives of different professions were represented: astronauts, doctors, veterinarians, artists and many others. It was difficult to choose the winner.

How much a premium for the people: elite housing and crisis
"The elite housing becomes cheaper", "in the market of real estate of a premium class of changes isn't present" – experts of the market of real estate give the most contradictory estimates today. How much today "elite housing" for the people, and whether it is worth making now transactions in this segment of the market?

How it is correct to invest in real estate?
In today's economic situation when the currency market isn't stable, the real estate remains the best option for investments allowing to get daily profit. It also a safe way to keep the capital if other assets depreciated.

How to determine the market value of real estate?
To define, what market value of housing, is required not only at purchase and sale, but also at registration of the credit which pledge is the apartment, or at determination of the sum of an insurance. Also it is not all cases when the correct estimation of cost is necessary.

Maralin Ru - the best Internet the site of real estate agency
In the northern capital the All-Russian housing Forum – one of the major in the domestic market of real estate was held from September 30 to October 2. It already the tenth action, and for tradition arrived to it about 1500 participants.

How to do interior photography
If you are interested in purchase of qualitative housing, the agency of elite real estate Maralin ua is always ready to offer the object suitable you. Accepting real estate in work, we seek to approach a question of its presentation responsibly.

Choice of the land plot for construction of an elite house
Any buyer at a ground choice, first of all, pays attention to beauty of a landscape, and already then is interested, what characteristics of the soil, whether the traffic intersection, ecology and others factors, important for construction of the house, is convenient.

Preparation of a country house for sale
To sell real estate, as we know, it is troublesome. What wouldn't be the transaction, be it sale of houses or apartments, she demands certain expenses, temporary and monetary. Thus the seller pursues one aim – receiving profit.

The apartment in the club house: in what feature?
The exclusive real estate today not a rarity, but not so is a lot of rather worthy objects. Similar housing, be it elite apartments or elite households, very often is on sale still before it is actively advertised.

Whether it is favorable to acquire real estate in crisis?
The situation in economy isn't stable today therefore if you want to keep the capital, - to put the best option in real estate. It is the most attractive sector for investments. This way not only is safe, but also can make profit.