Luxury real estate market expert
Krutko Anatoly Sergeevich
Location:Rostovskaya oblast, Myasnikovskii region, пер. Содружества
Land area:20 ar
Front width:0 m

The nearest suburb of Rostov-on-Don, Myasnikovsky district, Leninakan village, lane.The Commonwealth. I sell a land plot of 2000 m2. A plot with a type of permitted use - industrial, warehouse, commercial, office buildings, construction industry, road service, motor transport, communications, etc.industry.The convenient location of the site, a good access road, the proximity of the Suvorovsky district, industrial and warehouse facilities are located nearby, a construction permit has been obtained from a military unit.
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Krutko Anatoly Sergeevich
Certified Real Estate Specialist - Broker
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