Anatoly Sergeevich
Certified Real Estate Specialist - Agent
Certificate: № РОСС RU РГР ТОС 61 АН 1092The real estate business attracted me because it is one of the most capacious areas of activity, combining a large number of industries. In this case, you need to be a lawyer, an economist and an appraiser, an organizer and a negotiator, a marketer and a PR man, a mediator and a presenter.
I have several educations: secondary special military; higher "Organization Management"; higher "International Economics", MBA degree. And extensive experience of entrepreneurial activity in the field of trade.
The accumulated knowledge, skills and experience allow me to provide high-quality real estate services and help my clients in solving the most complex issues in the real estate sector.
Realtor Lots
The room is renovated
Rostov-on-Don, North, ул. Евдокимова
Rostov-on-Don, Northern residential area, Evdokimov St. Rent of non-residential premises in the residential complex "Phoenix". The room occupies the 1st floor of a multi-level parking building. The area of developed commercial infrastructure and residential development. High pedestrian and automobile traffic. The total area is 90 m2. The room has a mixed layout, has a reception area, two halls separated by a non-load-bearing partition, a bathroom and a small office.
90 000 ₽Premises in the building
Rostov-on-Don, North, бул. Комарова
A room for rent with its own entrance
100 000 ₽Commercial premises
Rostov-on-Don, Lenina, пр. Ленина
Rent. Commercial premises in the new business class residential complex "Lenin 46" with 722 apartments. It is located on the ground floor at the back of the building on the way to the entrances.
105 000 ₽canteen
Rostov-on-Don, Voenved, пер. Технологический
The room for catering is a dining room. The total area is 387 m2. The territory of a large cluster of offices, warehouses and industrial premises.
110 000 ₽Non-residential premises
Rostov-on-Don, Selmash, ул. Сержантова
I rent a free-use room in a shopping center. The total area is 99 m2. The shopping center is a new, modern 3-storey building built into a residential building.
128 000 ₽building
Rostov-on-Don, Lenina, ул. Страны Советов 26
Rent - a building of 107 m2. Lenin district, the square of the country of Soviets. A cozy, detached building in a quiet and convenient location.
130 000 ₽Renovated office
Rostov-on-Don, Center, ул. Социалистическая
Rent of non-residential premises. Location - City center, Theater Square. The office is located on the 2nd floor in the commercial group of a residential apartment building.
135 000 ₽The city center
Rostov-on-Don, Center, ул. Большая Садовая
The city center
175 000 ₽A room for free use
Rostov-on-Don, Nahichevan, ул. 35-я линия
It is perfect for organizing a retail outlet of federal retail chains, as well as organizing activities in the field of medical and household services, a training center and children's leisure.
199 000 ₽Retail space
Rostov-on-Don, Center, пер. Халтуринсккий
The center ofRostov-on-Don, trans. Khalturinsky/ Mechnikov Street. Densely populated residential area in the center, two-way heavy traffic. There is a military unit in the immediate vicinity.
199 000 ₽entrance on the facade
Rostov-on-Don, Center, ул. Красноармейская
The center ofRostov-on-Don, Krasnoarmeyskaya St., Rubin residential complex. Rent of a free-use room of 101 m2. Commercial and office space with a separate entrance on the facade.
200 000 ₽Selmash
Rostov-on-Don, Selmash, ул. Сержантова
I rent a free-use room in a shopping center with a total area of 201 m2. The shopping center is a new, modern 3-storey building built into a residential building.
221 000 ₽Built-in-attached building
Rostov-on-Don, Aleksandrovka, ул. Вересаева
Rostov-on-Don, Alexandrovka, the district of the MKR Veresaev. Built-in-attached building with an area of 500 m2. A room in a residential building, in a densely populated area with heavy automobile and pedestrian traffic.
250 000 ₽office
Rostov-on-Don, Center, ул. Текучева
The premises have been renovated. Parking in front of the building is available for rent.
260 000 ₽For kindergarten
Rostov-on-Don, Platovsky, ул. Яблоневая
New building, ideal for kindergarten
300 000 ₽Floor in the business center
Rostov-on-Don, Nahichevan, ул. Закруткина
I rent an office space located in a modern business center. The room occupies the entire floor, the total area is 425 m2. Condition without repair
318 750 ₽