I want to sell more expensive... A realistic assessment of the property
Working in the real estate business for 18 years, you begin to more judiciously and consciously approach the assessment of the property, given that over the past five years, the real estate market of Rostov-on-don and, in General, Russia has undergone strong changes that have affected, in particular, sellers and, of course, the approach to the purchase of potential buyers.
Each time, taking the object in the work, we are faced with the fact that most of the sellers believe that the price can be formed itself or arbitrarily appointed by the owner.
And here there is a reasonable question: why then you contact the realtor? Perhaps you think that you know the market better than a realtor, who daily turns in this segment, examining a huge number of properties. And, most importantly, knows at what cost these objects are sold, not how much they will be asked for, or at what price they are exposed in the open listing.
In this article, I would like to reflect a few points that mislead market participants. And the most important problem arising from my judgment - the object is not for sale, moreover, it is not even watched by buyers who are in this case now on the market because of the erroneous actions of the sellers themselves. So:
The rate is increasing.
Forget about the currency, we live in Russia, and here the real estate market ruble! And if the apartment is worth 10.000.000 rubles, it is worth 10.000.000 rubles, not $150,000. Calculations, Yes, it is possible in the currency. Not the price. I perfectly understand those who have housing abroad or is directly related to it. What will I buy there for the money? Unfortunately, so. Sold on the realities of our market, transferred to the Euro - and in Spain to buy an apartment or Villa.
I invested more.
Also a moot point. To build a house in 2005 or in 2012, investing $ 1,000,000 in it-it's cool. But, if you put up for sale the property now-it's not $ 2,000,000, as after the next growth in 2013-2014, and $ 500,000 in ruble equivalent. Unfortunately, the reality is as follows. The market is the market. There are, of course, exceptions, but this piece options, which used a competent approach in terms of architecture and decoration, and the market in 2018, they meet all modern requirements.
And I need to sell and buy in return for the whole family.
No arguments here. Of course, as parents, we always think about our children first, and that's right. The issue is closed. But we must not forget that You need to leave, and buy two houses in return, and the daughter – the car. And that after all this, there is little money for future repairs in one of the purchased construction options, and that's all, according to conservative estimates - 15.500.000 rubles.And the house in which you live, is worth a maximum of 10.000.000 rubles. Obviously, it is unrealistic to do it. And no need to wait for something. In the real estate market of Rostov-on-don is now such a huge selection of proposals that Your object will not even notice. It'll be a year or two, and nothing will change. You will lose time, get tired of selling, and eventually reduce the price. So, in 2018 or 2019 could sell the house for 10.000.000 rubles., and in 2021 already over 8.000.000 € If you are willing to reconsider and make some adjustments to your query, solve their housing problem today. And do not rely on the fact that in two years something will change. That's unlikely.
Now for the received from the sale of the house 10.000.000 rubles. you buy a small two-room building in the city center within 4.000.000 rubles., one-room apartment for her daughter within 3.500.000 rubles., for 1.000.000-a good car comfort class, and still have money for repairs. And later You will buy the same, only the price will be difference in plus-minus 2.000.000 RUB in the end? Wasting time, friends!
And I appreciate more.
"Came to see me and Your colleagues said that my apartment is 8.500.000 RUB, and You say 8.000.000 And RUB on the Board, "Craigslist" and "Cyan" and a lot of suggestions for 9.500.000 Why do You RUB me underestimate the price? Want to sell faster?"All right. Who can correctly assess the property in this market? That's right, a Realtor who is constantly "in the market" and sells real estate in this segment, and not just sells everything! Remember, friends! The correct assessment is made on the basis of the sold offers in Your house or area! And to the point. There's nothing more to discuss. Just trust the professionals.
My neighbor sold more.
This question is also capacious, but at the same time, a short answer: Were you present at the calculation? Did you see the amount in the contract? We all understand, selling any property, car or used computer, we always say that sold more than the amount received. That's the Golden rule. How stupid would you look if you sold it cheaper? This is unacceptable. And that's a fact.
I'm not rushing anywhere.
One of the main points of the current market, the phrase that I and the company's employees hear almost at every reception of the object in the work - "I'm not in a hurry to sell...". Remember, friends!!! This phrase works in a growing market. I remember in the mid-2000s, when the market was really active and Hyper-growing, it was possible to put a price and wait. There were customers, and it was possible to arrange an auction, when there is no pit: buy a new building under the equity agreement "on paper", and after 3-6 months sell it with an income of 30%. There were times. We, realtors, remember every day, month and year, when and how the market changed at that time, and the buyer in those years bought the object, and now decided to become a seller. Times repeat. "I'm not in a hurry." Listen to the professional! "No hurry" leads to the fact that you knowingly bring the object to the real estate market at a high and illiquid price, and, in the end, lose time and money. Believe me, the realtor is not aimed at a quick sale and understatement of Your price! We are interested in creating a quality product, to form the right value, and only then provide it to the future buyer. However, he can actually bargain and purchase the facility in the period from 3 to 6 months. If the object is sold longer, you have lost time and money.
And in conclusion I want to say:
choose a realtor, sign a contract with him that he personally and the company in which he works represented Your interests in the market. Believe me, the realtor will never sell cheaper or more expensive than the market. He will sell for the price that the market will offer. Experience shows, you will always come out more expensive if you sell yourself! Save time and money!
Good luck with your trades, friends!
Sincerely, Alex Maralin
Added: 19.02.2019
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