Russian housing Congress Sochi 2019 registration is now available

The next all-Russian housing Congress will be held in Sochi on April 8-12, 2019. For this purpose, there are three sites: the Olympic University, the Pullman Sochi Centre hotel and the Hyatt Regency Sochi hotel Annually visited by three thousand real estate professionals from Russia and other countries.
A business program is already planned:
- master classes and business trainings;
- Club of General Directors;
- Spring swim;
- exhibition of B2B companies participating in the Congress;
- plenary meeting;
- the reception, which is dedicated to the summing up of the 2nd national award " expert of the real estate market»;
- thematic conferences, round tables, panel discussions, seminars;
- business tours (visits to objects under construction in Sochi, offices of real estate agencies and banks).
Want to attend an event? You can register on the site socialpress.of the Russian Federation. There is a paid or free membership, now the prices are low. For the delegation of 2 people discounts.
Added: 21.11.2018
View count: 2872