Apartment owners have access to information about people registered in their housing

Thanks to new amendments to Federal Law No. 304-FZ of 07/14/2022, property owners will have access to information about all residents registered on its area, even without their consent.
The authors of the law came to the conclusion that the possession of personal information about the "settlers" is necessary for the owner to make transactions transparently. It should be emphasized that now these data cannot be found out without the permission of the residents themselves.
But, starting from January 1, 2023, the owner will have access to personal information about the full name, date and place of birth, as well as the date of registration at the place of residence of all persons registered in his apartment. It is noted that the amendments are designed to understand and assess the legal possibilities in real estate transactions. This is especially useful in the case of inheritance of living space. After all, the new owner may simply not know that other people are registered or registered there. And thanks to the innovation, it will be enough for him to send a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and clarify all the nuances.
Corresponding changes have been made to the law on migration registration, because foreigners are sometimes registered or registered in apartments. Thus, information about the "settlers" will help to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings when making real estate transactions.

Added: 26.10.2022
View count: 1170