Since September 28, 2021, changes on cadastral registration and registration of real estate will come into force
Russian legislation is far from perfect. It contains many weak points that are subject to revision and adjustment. It is not for nothing that many changes were made in 2020 and 2021, including in the field of cadastral registration and registration of real estate objects.
Many provisions of Federal Law No. 120 began to take effect immediately after its adoption-from April 30, 2021. Some of the amendments will come into force on October 28 of this year. This applies to the following nuances: terms of registration under DDU contracts; dimensions of the parking space; placement of EGRN information.
State registration of DDU contracts
Shareholders will be able to register the right to real estate faster under DDU contracts. The first contracts will be concluded according to the same scheme as before. No changes are provided here. However, for subsequent contracts, the terms are adjusted.
When submitting documents on a general basis, the process of registration of ownership rights will take up to 5 working days. If you send an application in electronic form, then it takes 3 working days to register.
Registration via the MFC takes longer and takes 7 working days. So, shareholders will now be able to register real estate 2 days faster.
Dimensions of the parking space
Previously, there were restrictions on the permissible size of the parking space. This led to objective difficulties and some confusion. Now, according to the changes in the law, such restrictions are excluded.
Placement of EGRN information
The registering authority will have the right to post the information of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on its official resource. The exception is information, access to which is organic by law. It is not yet possible to publish information about the owners of real estate objects.
The nature of the information posted and other nuances of this process will be determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
Other changes
Some changes will take effect much later. For example, starting from 2023, it will be possible to submit an electronic application for cadastral registration through your personal account. Moreover, this does not require an electronic signature.
Positive dynamics
All the changes made are designed to simplify the processes related to cadastral registration and registration of ownership rights to real estate objects. Of course, there are still many rough edges in the law that need to be revised. However, there are still improvements in this area.
Added: 31.07.2021
View count: 1376