Planned indexation of the mother capital from February 1, 2024

Maternity capital as a measure of support for families with children was introduced in 2007. Initially, the payment was accrued at the birth or adoption of a second child. Starting in 2020, maternity capital began to be paid at the birth or adoption of the firstborn. So, in 2023, the amount of maternity capital corresponded to 586.9 thousand rubles for the first child and 189.5 thousand rubles for the second (in the event that the first one was already paid).
It should be noted that the mother capital is indexed annually. In 2024, the indexation coefficient will be 7.5%. Official data on the amount of payments will be published on February 1 on the SFR website. But now they can be roughly calculated. For example, 631 thousand rubles will be allocated for the first child, and 202.8 thousand rubles for the second. Thus, the total amount of capital for two children should be 834 thousand rubles.
Of course, it is better to plan any operations with the mother capital after February 1, especially since there is very little time left. In 2025 and 2026, experts also predict an increase in payments by at least 4%.
You can use the mother capital partially or completely. But the list of expenses is strictly regulated. This includes expenses for education and support for children with disabilities, registration of monthly payments to children, as well as the formation of the funded part of pensions to parents. Funds are allowed to be used both for improving housing conditions and for the purchase or construction of real estate. Accordingly, the payment can be spent on mortgage housing. It is important not to forget that after closing the mortgage, using the mother capital, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure for allocating shares.
Unrealized funds of the mother capital of previous years are also subject to indexation in accordance with a coefficient of 7.5%. It does not matter what amount is left unused.It is worth noting that the citizenship of the Russian Federation is now a prerequisite for receiving payments.
Added: 18.01.2024
View count: 940