How to sell an apartment step by step instructions

Any person in the sale of real estate raises a number of questions relating to the safety of the procedure, obtaining the largest possible amount and speed of the transaction. Of course, to answer these questions can only be a qualified specialist with considerable experience in the field of real estate.
If you decide to sell your own property, an experienced real estate agent will recommend you the following:
1. Before you put the object, try to analyze the prices in the area. When performing the calculation, it is necessary to pay attention to the cost of objects similar in area, location, housing. In addition, it is important to take into account the number of storeys, the Elevator. Often added to the cost of repair, but the buyer does not estimate the actual cost of repair, it estimates its costs, which are at odds with the assessment of the seller. To correctly determine the value of your property, it is ideal to view such property itself, which will allow you to find the price arguments in the process of negotiations with the buyer.
2. No less important is the pre-sale preparation of the apartment. Enough information is published about this. It is worth mentioning only such basic actions to increase the cost of the apartment, as getting rid of trash, personal belongings, photos, Pets, as well as a minimum of people on display. The costs are small, while you save a few hundred thousand rubles.
3. External advertising. A great option is a banner on the first floor. If the apartment is located in a large residential complex, scatter in the mailboxes of leaflets that you sell the apartment, or post ads on the boards. Do not forget that the best buyers are considered neighbors, and, most likely, they will become the new owners of your apartment.
4. online advertising. Only after a qualitative analysis of prices and preliminary preparation of the object, you can advertise on the Internet. If you want to be called 7 times more often, place an ad with a photo, no matter what the condition of your home. The main task – to attract a buyer who wants to call you. No less important is the description of housing, it should be selling. Advertising is better to place on several sites, as do professionals, including social networks.
5. If you get a call, schedule shows. Of course, if your apartment was handled by a professional, your housing is interested and without advertising. But do not despair, show the apartment to potential buyers, do not forget to say that it is in demand. We do not recommend to sell a house using the auction method. You can run multiple impressions on the same day at a specific time interval, so that people who are interested have the opportunity to feel the interest of other customers. At first glance, selling an apartment may seem like a simple procedure. But it's not. There is a huge number of "pitfalls" that are unknown to the common man in the street. That is why we recommend for a more profitable and fast sale of housing to contact professionals. This will allow you to successfully sell the property at the desired cost.
Added: 21.08.2019
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