The State Duma of the Russian Federation: Workers can get land for housing and communal services for free

The government approved a law according to which citizens of working professions can get land for housing and communal services (individual housing construction) or for personal subsidiary farming for free. Now the authorities in the regions will independently compile lists of working specialties that fall under the law. At the same time, it is allowed to give away land that is in state and municipal ownership for free use.
Thus, in order to take advantage of the benefit, you will need to work for five years as a worker. For example, it may be the profession of a mechanic, locksmith, turner, or even a doctor, teacher. It all depends on the list of popular specialties in the field.
It is assumed that thanks to the innovation, people will leave smaller towns and villages less. It will be easier to build your house on a free plot. Due to the fact that specialists will remain on the ground, the standard of living will begin to rise in rural areas. At the same time, it is expected that the pace of housing and communal services will increase throughout the country.
Added: 25.07.2023
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