What is the danger of buying an apartment without a realtor

Independently entering the market with money, a real estate buyer risks meeting with scammers. And, unfortunately, neither the notary nor the bank's security service guarantee the absolute purity of the transaction. Because they act according to the regulations and check only what concerns their professional competencies.
At the same time, a long independent search for an apartment is also not the best way to make a good deal. After all, no one is immune from pitfalls. For example, there are often difficulties with the privatization of property or apartments with registered persons are being sold. As a result, it is easier for many to abandon incomprehensible objects, missing out on excellent options. Although such issues are easily solved by professionals.
In addition, buyers and sellers often have a poor understanding of how a real estate transaction takes place. And they turn it into a chaotic process, where there are both misunderstandings of the parties and conflicts that can escalate into long lawsuits.Here I would like to note that a realtor is not a panacea for all ills. And yet, with the help of a competent intermediary, the buyer will be able not only to minimize the risks, but also to win in price. After all, a realtor knows how to bargain, and his commission is often less than an overpayment for real estate when searching independently.
Added: 30.03.2023
View count: 506