Elite real estate market Analytics 2019-2020: features, results, user profile

The luxury real estate market in Rostov-on-don has maintained some stability over the past year. We believe that despite the rather difficult situation in the economy, this segment did not experience any sharp spikes in demand and, on the contrary, we did not observe any drops in demand.
According To the catalog of elite real estate Maralin Ru, the average cost of luxury real estate by the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2020 has not changed.
During this period, demand increased by no more than 1% - up to 0.9% in the secondary market and up to 1.5% in the primary market.
Apartments in new buildings with a total area of 120-150 m2, in the area of Pushkinskaya street and Chekhov Ave. are most valued among luxury real estate objects. Demand for them increased by 1.2-1.5%. Most likely, it is justified by the fact that families have become more interested in housing.
At the moment, the average cost per square meter in the center of Rostov-on-don in multi-storey buildings not older than 5-7 years, is about 78 thousand rubles / m2 without finishing, on the secondary-just above 85 thousand rubles/m2 with repairs.
As for the demand for 2019, it can be noted that buyers are 8% more likely to be interested in the opportunity to buy a house with a mortgage and in the state of construction option.
Single-digit record holder in 2019
All records in 2019 (in comparison with the results of 2018) were broken by the primary real estate market: both consumer demand indicators and the number of objects put into operation both in Rostov-on-don and in the Rostov region increased. At the same time, the growth in demand is not noticeable by the number of completed purchase and sale transactions. Other indicators increased: the total budget spent by one person on the purchase, as well as the total square footage of housing that was interested in.
The demand for such elite real estate objects as penthouses and apartments with large terraces, country cottages in closed club settlements, two-level apartments has significantly increased. We can assure you that the current state of the banking sector has had a huge impact on customers ' consumer behavior.
In 2019, the average interest rate on Deposit programs significantly decreased. This led to a massive rejection of deposits among the wealthy. Russians began to look for new options for investment.
The luxury real estate market, which has remained relatively stable even during the years of deep crisis, is now credible against the background of the stabilization of the political situation.
Who was interested in elite real estate on the portal of the company " Maralin Ru»
We often observe the behavior of users in our catalog and even managed to collect interesting statistics. During the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, our main visitors were, of course, Russians – their percentage of the total number of people who came to the portal was 89.93%.
The most interesting thing is that the second place in this list was taken by users from the United States – 4.26%, the third-by Ukrainians with an indicator of 2.37%. We received the least visitors from France (19 people), Latvia and Brazil (17 people each), and Georgia (16 people).
As shown by statistics, elite real estate in Rostov-on-don, most often interested in people aged 35-44 years. There was a noticeable increase in demand from December 2019 to February 2020 among younger people – those who are now 25 to 34 years old. Often, visitors from 45 to 54 years old come to our site. The least interested in buying expensive apartments and houses are those who are now under 24.
If we talk about gender identification, about 58% of male visitors on our site, and up to 42% of women, respectively.
Owners of mobile gadgets are increasingly coming to the portal.
The number of visits using the iOS and Android operating systems was 33% and 27.3%, respectively. About 31.6% of users came to us from regular PCs during the same period.
We are once again convinced that a detailed and complete statistics of the elite real estate market in Rostov-on-don can be provided by a specialized catalog, and not by a Bulletin Board or a real estate Agency website, where a real estate object of the elite segment can get lost with communal apartments and economy class apartments.
Sincerely, the team Of maralin Ru
Added: 25.02.2020
View count: 2216