A new system of the Unified state register of real Estate has been launched

In Russia, the Federal state information system for maintaining the Unified state register of real estate (egrn) was created. Before that, there were two registers-the Unified state register of rights (EGRP) and the State real estate cadastre (GKN). Merging two documents into one will significantly simplify the provision of the service and allow you to get information from the unified state register on-line. We can note the uniqueness of the system: independence from the imposition of any sanctions; possibility of operation on the territory of the whole country; compliance with information security and data security; guarantee stability by creating separate data centers.
Previously, we had to use separate information systems that could not ensure the quality of service delivery. There was no unity of accounting and control of processes in the real estate sector. It was impossible to completely eliminate the duplication of information and the speed of information.
The creation of a unified information system egrn output providing services in the field of real estate to a higher level. It is now possible to quickly obtain information, to register real property rights and at the same time you put it on the cadastral account. The system operates around the clock. All 85 regions of the country can use its services.
Added: 17.11.2020
View count: 1793