In a year demand for apartments with ready finishing significantly grew
Real estate sale – service which was at all times in demand. Recently apartments with already ready finishing are popular. Buyers, acquiring real estate, don't wish to spend the precious time for repair, preferring to pay more attention to work, after all today's potential owners of apartments are busy persons. The potential buyer wants to get the apartment and at once to it to drive. We analysed our activity for the current year and drew a conclusion: demand for housing with ready planning and modern repair from leading designers significantly increased.
The main advantage of housing with finishing is the saving of time.
On the one hand the new building does without finishing much cheaper, however, you will spend the saved money for acquisition of construction materials, services of team of builders, rent of a temporary accommodation. Economy in means in such option certainly it is possible if you got at the good price a stroyvariant and if isn't present … … Buying ready housing, you save time and nerves: it isn't necessary to look for suitable interior design, to buy materials, to control work of builders. Often inhabitants of the modern cities have no opportunity to resolve these issues. In the secondary market also there are many offers with the finishing conforming to modern requirements. It should be noted that, having decided to buy the apartment with ready repair, you need to render habitable it only.
It is necessary to mention that objects with design repair began to appear and in an elite segment of the market of real estate.
The design of such housing is developed usually by known designers, and it, undoubtedly, influences increase in demand at similar exclusive objects
Certainly, it is possible and to order services of the designer independently. Studios of design and architectural bureaus offer a set of unusual decisions which will make space of your apartment special. Depending on the chosen level of finishing, the cost of the apartment can increase on the average by 10-20 percent, but, despite it, demand for elite real estate with finishing remains rather high. And the reason for that is that the buyer chooses the elite apartment not on emotions, and wishes to receive qualitative, ready housing of a premium class.
Such apartments with finishing, and also secondary elite housing with quality repair are presented in the catalog of our agency of elite real estate Maralin Ru. The owner is expected by the specific two-room apartment in the downtown, conforming to all modern requirements. Repair in it is executed according to the developed design project. The spacious housing on the Western inhabited massif with finishing from quality materials isn't less attractive. Also we offer apartments with non-standard interiors in which all details are harmoniously combined, surprisingly reminding the underwater world, including magnificent two - and the three-level penthouses representing the real country house. At us you will find for yourselves housing with the high-quality finishing, completely conforming to modern requirements to comfort.
Added: 04.07.2014
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