Southern chamber of real estate" took part in the "housing Fair

8 september in "Dalexpocenter" began its work exhibition-fair of real estate, which will last until September 11. This event is the only one in the Rostov region a platform to meet developers and real estate agencies.
The main objective of the exhibition – organization of meetings of participants of real estate market, both sellers and buyers that will allow to establish new contacts, promote fruitful cooperation.
The event also will present real estate in the southern Federal district, mortgage projects of Russian banks, services, insurance, legal and consulting companies. Visitors have the opportunity to ask all the questions on the stand.
"Southern chamber of real estate" is a participant of the event and the organizer of competition of professionals of the real estate market among members in various categories.
The contest was organized by "Dalexpocenter" and the southern chamber of real estate. Information partner of the award became a news portal Donews. Strategic partner – Mays-Agency "Biznesdrayv" prepared for the best in their profession specialists certificates on training of the expert on sales and complex negotiations of Igor Ryzova and legendary of Radislav gandapas.
Over 20 companies submitted their applications. The jury was required to choose 13 the best.
Members of the jury were: Alexey Gusev, business coach, head of the Institute of management in real estate REALIST, Sergey Kruts, the owner of OOO "Rielt Academy" and the founder of the Group of Companies the WORLD international business coach, investor, Dmitry Rakitin, Director and coach of the business school "Rielt Academy" and the Director of Group of Companies the WORLD the eagle Alexey Maralin, President of the Board of the southern Chamber of real Estate, Alexander Konochkin, Director of the center for real estate "Alex".
Following the meeting, members of the jury the decision was made to award the victory to the following companies.
In the nomination "the Best website in real estate" awarded company "Axiom", Taganrog and the company, "Landlord", Rostov-on-don.
In the nomination "Best social media promotion of real estate Agency" award and was awarded the company's "Your choice +", g Rostov-na-Donu
In the nomination "Best corporate video" won by company "MT-don", Rostov-on-don.
In the nomination "the Best corporate edition" was unanimously won by the company "Geneva", Rostov-on-don"
In the nomination "the Oldest real estate Agency" award was shared by the company "Nirlan", founded in 1991, is the oldest Agency in Rostov-on-don, and the company "Rielti", founded in 1995, is the oldest Agency in the city of Mines.
In the nomination "the Best realtor for the sale of second homes" award was given to Kovalev Dmitry ("Rick") and Olga Plough (the Company "real Estate of 24+").
In the nomination "Best realtor on rental housing", the diploma and statuette of the winner received Donskova Natalia (the Company "Kredo South").
In the nomination "Best realtor selling houses" is awarded Irina Marina ("World Atlas").
The special nomination "Best PR company" awarded the company "the Rostov real estate service +".
Nomination out of competition "person of the year in the real estate market" for contribution to the development of the Association and for the formation of a civilized market of real estate in Rostov-on-don received Maralin Alexey Sergeyevich, the Head of Agency of elite real estate Maralin Ru , Chairman of the Board of the southern chamber of real estate.
Business program of the event is quite varied – it is planned to conduct seminars, educational modules, lectures. The fair began with workshops, the theme of which was the decoration of interiors.
In addition, during the three days will be held certificates entitling them to purchase housing at a discount.
After awarding the winners was held, the General meeting of realtors and awarding the winners. The meeting also discussed the theme of "black" realtors and their role in the recent fires in Rostov-on-don. Not left without attention of the prospects and development plan of the "southern chamber of real estate" for 2018.
Participants and visitors will be able to get a professional-quality assistance in real estate selection, information concerning the conclusion of transactions of purchase and sale at a reasonable cost and the answers to other questions relating to the real estate industry.
Added: 08.09.2017
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