In Russia there will be an IT platform for the execution of transactions with real estate
Rosreestr and the Federal cadastral chamber have planned to develop a special electronic platform within which various real estate transactions, including payment of taxes, will be carried out.
Today, such an electronic platform is necessary, because it will allow the buyer, seller, tenant, landlord to interact directly.
Users will be able to freely choose objects, transactions will be easier, and their participants will be more protected in legal terms. In addition, it is planned that the resource will be attractive to investors.
Thus, the site will operate services that confirm ownership of the property, as well as allowing you to check whether the buyer or the tenant is solvent.
Also on the electronic platform it will be possible to calculate the tax base if it is necessary to lease the object. One of the first services of the platform will be a real estate rental service, created specifically for those who are planning a vacation in the Crimea. The site will start working in test mode at the end of this year.
Added: 17.05.2019
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