Whether it is worth buying the luxury real estate now?

The real estate market was subject to changes at all times, and the market of Rostov-on-Don not an exception, housing is a reliable investee. Purchase of the house or apartment – the excellent option allowing not only to keep money, but also to increase savings.
It should be noted that in September-October the market reached a so-called minimum in a price segment.
If you plan purchase of housing, the right moment for profitable transaction came, be it purchase of the elite real estate or other objects. Certainly, one of the determining factors of purchase of the apartment or house of a premium class is the price.
Revival of the real estate market is usually observed by fall. At the end of summer buyers have a good choice at the available cost which was created for the summer period, and in September there are no such objects any more. November – time when the number of transactions, and, and in a segment of housing of a premium class increases.
Considering that dollar exchange rate started over again growing, and also the fact that in the end of the year demand usually increases, perhaps, buyers expects price increase in January-February, 2017.
The majority of objects will be sold and next year there will be only those options which were offered initially on predatory prices. Some potential buyers invest already now in the real estate as the foreign exchange market can lead to decrease in their solvency.
Till spring there will hardly be any changes, and in the spring in the market of Rostov new offers will appear. In practice, new objects are also exposed at the overstated cost taking into account the bidding therefore good offers on the adequate prices until the end of the next summer can be not expected. Experts of the agency of the elite real estate Maralin Ru consider that it isn't necessary to postpone purchase to next year. The transaction, most likely, will be much more expensive, first of all on time. The buyers who were looking after suitable options within this year already made the decision to purchase the real estate this year.
It isn't profitable to sellers of the elite real estate to expect the best times therefore they reduce the prices, the new season in the market will come only in the spring. Developers also aim to attract buyers, offering various shares and discounts, reducing the prices for 10-15%. It allows to purchase the elite apartment on beneficial price even in the primary market.
The agency of the elite real estate Maralin Ru offers a wide choice of real estate objects in our catalog, including elite apartments and houses. Our specialists will help to choose the suitable elite real estate and will consult on all questions concerning execution of the transaction.
Added: 20.11.2016
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