Service Comclick what's new and what trends puts AR YUPN for 2019
Real estate community offers the service Comclick open access service only professional market players. This and other issues were discussed at the meeting of the AR YUPN, which was held on November 30, 2018 in Rostov-on-don.
Service Comclick how to interact with him?
Due to the fact that Domlec provides access to all market participants, we need to make a decision to adjust this. Service is convenient for us, we actively use it! It should be understood that people working with brokers, this is not our target audience, a person who is trying to save on the services of the Agency, as they say – pays twice, so the danger we do not provide. The person who uses the service Domlec, comes to us already approved on the mortgage. This reduces our time and money spent on approval – speaker Elena Petukhova.
During the meeting of AR YUPN, it was unanimously decided that it is necessary to look for an alternative, to choose and work with banks that provide us with no less favorable conditions than Domklik. We do not refuse the service, but we will work less actively with it!
Results for 2018год shared General Director, member of the Board YUPN, head of the Committee on public relations Peter Vladimirovich Zaporozhets was done tremendous work in 2018 and new goals for 2019год! The year is not over yet for December, the challenge is in the training of employees of companies included in the AR YUPN.
In 2019, it is planned to hold: real estate fair, round tables, personal meetings with banks, city authorities, insurance companies, developers on issues related to construction, development of new territories, in order of interaction in the work.
Our main goal-to deal with the problem of Parking, buildings, cooperation with banks partners, as well as to raise the profession of realtor to a high level, to give people an understanding that this profession is necessary, important and necessary! A realtor is not an intermediary, it is a real estate specialist!
Oksana Demyanenko was elected to the post of Executive Director of the Association and accountant by General vote.
Open voting for the position of Director of the commercial organization YUPN-partner elected Maralin Alexey.
Approved the training plan for exclusive contracts for December 2018 years, discussed the terms of cooperation with several banks.
During the meeting, the new candidates for the members of the AR YUPN were considered, they were the former leaders of the franchise Domian. They explained that leaving the franchise was about work ethics. The presentation of the new office of the Agency, real estate Professional, presented the rules of work of employees. Members of AR YUPN unanimously accepted business partners Alekhine Oksana Ivanovna and Hartman Tatyana Sergeevna as members of AR YUPN, with a trial period of 3 months.
Added: 06.12.2018
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