Sberbank extended the Family Mortgage program until July 1, 2024

According to the decision of the government of the Russian Federation, Sberbank extended the effect of the "Family Mortgage" until July 1, 2024. Such a preferential loan agreement will be able to be issued by parents who will have children until December 31, 2023 inclusive.
In addition, the "State Support" program has been improved. Now, when registering both programs, lending services for apartments and townhouses from sole proprietors have become available. But only if the individual entrepreneur is the first and only owner of housing. He must also carry out construction activities. Recall that prior to this, benefits were relied on only for the purchase or construction of residential buildings.
It is worth noting that the initial payment for these programs starts from 15% of the real estate value. The rate on the "Family mortgage" is offered from 5.3%, and under the "State Support" program – from 6.3% per annum.
Thus, by extending and improving the popular measures of support for the population, the government takes care of the welfare of our society. After all, these programs will help even more Russian families to get their own housing.
Added: 14.02.2023
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