Since March 1, 2023, a new law on extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has been in force in the Russian Federation
Today, the law on the statement of the EGRN has entered into force. Rosreestr has closed free access to information about the personal data of property owners. Now the personal information in the USRN statements is open to a limited circle of people. These include, for example, the owners themselves and their spouses, tenants and employers, civil servants, notaries, as well as land owners. Everyone else is invited to contact lawyers or get access to the data with the consent of the owner himself.
Since an extract from the EGRN is usually needed to check the legal purity of real estate before buying, it will be more difficult for a potential buyer to make it at present. Earlier, there were no such restrictions.
It is assumed that the new amendments will protect apartment owners from the actions of fraudsters. And in addition, they will insure information from the Rosreestr from their resale for use on duplicate sites.
Added: 01.03.2023
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