Whether involved in "black realtors" to the old town of Rostov-on-don?

August 21 in Rostov-on-don there was a massive fire houses in the old part of the city near the Theater down the street Nizhny Novgorod. The fire on the area of 10 thousand square meters was localized. Currently, this incident is being actively discussed, including the participation of the so-called "black realtors".
Recently in the media the phrase "black realtor" quite often. Situations such as illegal eviction, forgery and even murder in order to seize any property associated with the "black realtors". And, it is not excluded that the situation with yesterday's fire, is related to their activities.
Authorities are examining various versions of the cause of the fire, and one of them is arson. According to preliminary data, the fire started in one of the abandoned houses not suitable for living. On the official website of the city administration also published information about that incident, so to speak, was attended by "black realtors".
Local residents complained to the Governor of Rostov-on-don Vasily Golubev, in this area they are active.
I would like to Express their opinion on the matter. What happened actually?
The fire occurred on the territory where, in accordance with the General plan of development of the Central part of the city has active construction of the buildings. Around remain uninhabited buildings and residential houses, so this option can be omitted.
Perhaps the title of our publication is not accidental: whether the arson to be a credit to the "black realtors"? Then, they are probably "black". After all, these people have no relation to the real estate business. They are not members of any public associations such as Russian Guild of realtors or the southern chamber of real estate, and indeed any of the NGOs.
Hardly "black" realtors provide services in accordance with the uniform standards of real estate activity. Most likely, they even are not registered as entrepreneurs, not to mention the registration of any organization.
What they call "black", leading illegal activities in the property market.
To avoid any non-standard and not a pleasant situations from potential buyers or sellers who decided to sell or buy any property, you must contact the professionals of the market. In Rostov-on-don and region are members of the southern chamber of real estate.
Experienced realtors are members of the Board, which was in 2002, and for 15 years has been providing quality service in the real estate market. Officially it was 30 organizations of Rostov-on-don and region. A list of these companies available for viewing to everyone on the website www.arupn.ru. All of them are certified, you can access them, they work for all standards. Each employee has a diploma in the certification of the broker or agent, which allows to formally provide real estate services in the real estate market.
Of course, the terrible incident that happened on 21 August, when burned a number of houses that will deal with the relevant authorities, who will find out whether it was arson or just careless handling of fire.
Added: 28.08.2017
View count: 4441