Advantages of living in a cottage village

Many people dream of living in comfortable cottage settlements. After all, the advantages are obvious:
- successful investments. There is no need to independently engage in the construction and conduct of communications;
- infrastructure. It has all the amenities: shops, beauty salons, children's clubs, pharmacies and much more for a comfortable stay;
- a place to rest. Many citizens go to relax in nature, and you will live every day like at a resort;
- clean air. During the construction of cottages, green spaces in the district are preserved as much as possible, and trees purify the air and produce oxygen;
- positive emotions. There is no city noise, dust and gray landscape of skyscrapers. There are beautiful houses, alleys, lawns and picturesque landscapes around;
- happy childhood. Near the houses, there are playgrounds and parks;
- excellent roads. In complexes of this type, developers do not save on high-quality materials for roads;
- protection from intruders. The territory is usually equipped with CCTV cameras and fences. Barriers are installed.
And also, despite its status as a village, such complexes are located near the city.

Added: 08.09.2022
View count: 888