To owners and violators about plagiarism of photos
Illegal use of photographic materials – it would be desirable to discuss this important subject today. There were times when at us in the country nobody knew about copyright and now many don't trouble themselves creation of own masterpieces, borrowing pictures from a network. Of course, not so there is a lot of chances to find the work and not everyone will have legal proceedings because of a photo.
It is simpler to try to agree and to peacefully settle questions, as tried to make our agency of elite real estate Maralin Ru not so long ago,
Having found a photo of one of the objects in the announcement of other agency under the name "Noble Nest" on the website à Certainly, all watermarks of the company and the photographer have been jammed.
On a request to clean a photo, the affirmative answer hasn't followed, and by phone and have told: "It isn't pleasant, file a lawsuit". Quite so we have also arrived, having submitted a claim for collecting compensation for violation of an exclusive right to photographic work. Also have successfully carried this case, as we know, for plagiarism legal responsibility is provided. So, on the basis of article 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and item 3 of Art. 1252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the owner of the photo has the right to demand from the violator of compensation at the rate from 10 thousand to 5 million rubles (the sum is defined by court). As a result of judicial proceedings "The noble nest" is obliged to pay to our company compensation, and also losses and the state duty.
Upon completion of business there was a question: why people steal others works, be this photo or texts? Most likely, because laziness to think out something new, to take already ready much more simply - it isn't necessary to spend time, to think out something.
Some plagiarists are poorly educated in the legal plan, and don't even understand for what on a photo special signs or a copyright are put. In this case it is quite good to study information about the letter "with" in a circle before copying others materials.
It should be noted that the owner of a photo can demand compensation for each violation i.e. if one picture has been placed 4 times, then the sum of payment can make at least 40 thousand rubles. Whether you will fight for the copyright or not, to solve only to you.
Added: 16.05.2016
View count: 3537