We increase quality of rendering realtor services

Each of us strives for perfection because this especially professional quality of people who graduated and chose the hobby.
We as chose the hobby – work with real estate,
and here within several last years we hold the certain quality standard which familiar to our clients and has become some kind of card of agency of elite real estate Maralin Ru. Our clients are people who got used to enjoy life to the full the best, relying on the experience, a financial and social status. Exception aren't also services which we provide, after all in the sphere of VIP-services everything has to be top-level which we laboriously support thanks to an individual approach and sequence in the solution of each task set for us.
Now we became one step higher, because
specialists of our company became now the certified realtors according to the general standards of realtor activity.
Amicably, all collective we passed voluntary certification which completely conforms to requirements and standards HUNDRED Russian guilds of realtors. What did we receive with passing of this certification? First, self-affirmation because now we can call proud ourselves of the certified experts in the field of realtor activity. Now in each situation our experts will surely feel, without the slightest halts. Secondly, we became more competitive, and we can resist surely to experts with the legal education which quantity now promptly increases. Besides the legal sphere, they can have also education and experience in the economic and legal sphere. Now we became stronger, at the expense of a support on own long-term experience and knowledge which were gained in the course of certification. This certification became incentive for new fulfillments, development of the new horizons, relying on own, updated knowledge and skills. And it means that now clients will be served at us much quicker because after certification there are no such situations which our realtors could refer to problem category.
All of us solved, and we will solve very quickly, so quickly – it is how necessary
To you at the time of the request for the help to our specialists in real estate.
The agency Maralin Ru consists in the Southern chamber of real estate which is territorial body and RGR (Russian Guild of Realtors) submits. A large number of certificates certificates from numerous trainings and the courses directed on improvement of quality of professional activity of all staff of agency of elite real estate Maralin Ra were received by us and earlier. Also a large number of certificates of the auxiliary character, accompanying realtor activity was received. For example, for the termination of courses and participation in numerous thematic seminars of regional and federal value.
As for seminars, our company takes in them active part for filling of the knowledge base by exclusive useful information in our activity first-hand.
It is important for us as well an exchange of experience which at seminars is simply inevitable, both in official, and in the informal program. Work with the client – above all, for this reason in our agency enough of certificates which testify to knowledge acquisition in this area.
Added: 04.07.2014
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