Purchase of the elite house in Rostov-on-Don: classics, art house or Provence?

Purchase of the elite house in Rostov-on-Don - the action demanding the serious relation, after all that only it is worth choosing suitable housing.
Many spend months, trying to find independently the house in this or that style for temporary, or continuous accommodation.
After all it is peculiar to each person strives for harmony, and own housing is an ideal place for creation of a comfortable situation, and it not only appearance of the house, but also its internal furniture which opens tastes and interests of the owner. In our catalog enough of elite objects is presented in various style decisions that will allow to choose that is necessary for you without special work.
Today in the market of real estate of Rostov-on-Don the houses built in the middle of the 2000th years are generally presented on sale,
when the classics prevailed. But not in all houses this style though such objects steadily are in demand is sustained. Clearness of geometrical forms, elements of the ancient art, a few easy notes of the Chinese style and mysterious Egyptian, high quality of finishing, massive chandeliers, a parquet, gilding, sculptures and a decorative molding – all this is peculiar to houses in modern classical style. At registration of such interior it isn't accepted to save, in finishing apply qualitative, expensive materials, such as marble, a natural stone, a tree of noble breeds. Such style at all isn't conservative, it embodies solidity, experience, success.
The classics reflects respectability of the owner, his excellent taste in an interior,
therefore finishing of the elite house demands careful study of details: even one of them, beaten out of an overall picture, is capable to spoil impression.
Getting the elite house in Rostov-on-Don, you can notice that in the market the housing in style minimalism, Provence and an art house is presented, and, many of them are in the suburbs, on picturesque river banks Don. Most often such country houses are executed in refined and at the same time simple style Provence. The interior of houses differs artificially made old furniture rubbed by a tile on a floor, slightly faded pastel shades and traditional textiles – the bleached cotton or flax. Not the forged or ceramic additions, for example, wall sconces or furniture accessories, and also the bright pictures representing landscapes and still lifes are superfluous.
Times change, there are new styles and decisions, but nevertheless the majority of buyers want to live in classical interiors. To redo old classical European-quality repair in the elite house which was fashionable in the 2000th years not favourably therefore people seek to get new houses, making out them according to modern requirements. In design of elite houses there are certain tendencies, but, buying new housing, the owner makes out it in own way, thus it isn't obligatory to be the designer. It is enough to address to professional architects who will with higher quality perform works on interior arrangement, and the talented designer and the skilled realtor will pick up to you that housing which becomes comfortable for all family.
Added: 04.07.2014
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