Approved a draft law prohibiting the seizure of housing from bona fide buyers

The state Duma in the first reading amended the Civil Code, on the basis of which it is now not allowed to withdraw from the owner of his property, if it is sold to them by scammers.
The document proposes to prohibit the seizure of housing from those who honestly bought it, and later received information that the object was illegally seized from state or municipal property.
This will provide protection to the buyer who relied on the data provided by the egrn. Of course, if it is not confirmed that he did not know that the seller does not have the right to sell the disputed housing.
It should be noted that the amendments also apply to those who received the problem property as a gift or inheritance.
In the second reading, it is planned to consider the presumption of bad faith of a person who relied on information obtained in Rosreestr. In addition, there will be clarifications about the rules regarding the prescription of the purchase if the owner does not already own the property.
Previously, it was stated that the amendment of the law will provide a ban on the seizure of not only the only, but also any real estate from a bona fide buyer. The development of this bill was carried out in accordance with the instructions of the President and the Government. Its adoption in the first reading took place on 24 July, taking into account the adjustments to be made in the second reading.
Added: 12.08.2019
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