The report for 2016 of work as the Chairman of the board of the Southern chamber of the real estate

In December by tradition it is accepted to sum up the results of year in various fields of activity, including, and in the real estate market. I am year the chairman of the board of the Southern chamber of the real estate and I want to tell that for this period we together with you perfectly worked.
So, in December, 2015 we signed the agreement with our partner - VTB Bank of Moscow about a discount on an interest rate for mortgage loans for members of YPN.
With respect thereto such programs as "A mortgage with state support", "the Mortgage became urgent for our clients. Ready housing", - "Non-purpose loan", the credit on the security of housing which is already available in property and "Refinancing". Also for those who submit the application in a personal account of the partner "BM-Partner" the discount of 0,25% and 0,5% sootvetstveneno works. This agreement allows our clients to purchase housing profitable.
There is a wish to note that within a year our Association actively participated in various actions, such as round tables, the congresses, conferences.
In March round tables together with PJSC Sberbank took place.
Topical issues of the real estate market, including work of YPN were discussed at an action. One of round tables at this meeting was devoted to the subject "Nekkomerchesky Partnership " the Southern Chamber of the Real Estate " — the Locomotive or a Brake of Market Development of the Real Estate".
At least and useful participation in the XX National Congress of the real estate which passed from June 10 to June 13 in Yekaterinburg was interesting.
The organizer of the event was the Russian Guild of Realtors. It is one of the major events in the real estate market therefore we with colleagues decided to participate in it. More than 700 participants, including from Spain, Belarus and the USA were going to the Congress.
The subject concerning approval of professional standards became one of the most discussed on the Congress. It is necessary to legitimize a socially important profession the realtor. In Russia about 35 million real estate transactions therefore a main objective of community of realtors is forming of stability in the market, improvement of quality of the provided services are carried out every year. Respectively, it will allow to protect all participants of the market, including consumers.
It should be noted that similar actions allow not only to share an own experience of work, but also to get new knowledge, to get acquainted with technicians and the tools allowing to increase quality of the provided services.
The southern chamber of the real estate doesn't stand still therefore it is always ready to sign partner agreements.
And one of such agreements is the contract with the Donbass Association of realtors assuming joint activities in the market of the Southern Federal District and LPR.
The main objective of a cooperation consists in the most operational coordination of professional activity of the real estate agencies and realtors who are to members of data of Associations and also representation of their valuable interests and assistance to development of the civilized real estate market. In addition, signature of this agreement will allow to strengthen not only professional, but also friendly communications in the Southern Federal District and LPR real estate market.
Also YPN acted as the official partner of a fair of the real estate passing in September.
The fair which brought together the largest players of the market became the unique platform in the city for search of the best real estate and the choice of design.
One more useful event in which the YuPN group took part - the housing Congress in St. Petersburg.
Traditionally he is visited by about 2000 heads of the power, large real estate agencies, developer and insurance companies from various regions of the country. The program of the Congress is always saturated, and includes master classes, trainings, meetings, conferences which we didn't miss an opportunity to visit.
Except participation in actions, the Southern chamber of the real estate was also the organizer of some of them.
So, on October 21-22 we organized and provided trainings for directors and agents of the real estate
on subjects "Step-by-step technology of the head of sales office for stabilization of the income of employees. Secrets of fight against burning out of agents" and "Increase in effective management of sales office – one of the most efficient instruments of influence on activities of real estate agency".
From that, how effectively heads manage the agents as far as they can effectively set tasks, motivate employees on their achievement and control results of their activities, success of the company in a long-term outlook depends. All necessary skills for productive management are behavioural, and, therefore, give in to change and development. Therefore we consider a main objective of this training development and enhancement of skills of effective management and management in heads of sales offices.
It should be noted also the fact that the Southern chamber of the real estate actively conducts implementation of single standards of activities, and also training and certification of realtors.
Experienced specialists of Association give lectures, trainings, and also render legal advice bureaus, services in certification and certification. All this allows to set up an effective cooperation with the realtor agencies, promotes market development of the real estate of the region.
The start in work of the website of the Southern chamber of the real estate oriented to high-quality provision of information to participants of the real estate market of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region
became one more important event in the current year. On the website it is possible to learn in more detail about our activities, to learn that it is necessary for the accession to the Southern chamber of the real estate, and also to get legal support of specialists. The most part of realtors which is at the moment members of YuPN underwent certification on the established standards, respectively, unlike not certified specialists can render services in real estate field more professionally.
Navigation of the website is rather convenient.
Having visited the sections "The Certified Companies" and "The Certified Realtors" or having used convenient system of search where it is enough to enter a surname, it is possible to specify information on the realtor.
The section "Photo and Video" constantly is replenished photo and video with activities reports of Association, and also about actions in which her members participate. In the section "Training center" - information on training of agents and brokers.
The website is the effective tool allowing to inform timely participants of the market on its changes, and also to solve objectives at the professional level. For this reason in the current year we started the section online of certification on the website of Association, one of the main directions of our activities is certification of the companies and certification of realtors. Now we have an opportunity to certify the realtor at most in 32 minutes. We carry out certification for the agencies, brokers and agents. The certificate with individual number, confirmatory is as a result issued that this or that specialist or the company render the services conforming to the RGR standards. The certificate is confirmation of high-quality provision of services, guarantee of openness of the company in the real estate market, reliability and high qualification of her employees. Having visited appropriate section of our website, it is possible to learn, this or that agency or the specialist is certified.
Work with the certified company for ordinary clients has a number of advantages. First of all, it is safe to work with such company, the organization and carrying out the transaction, beginning from the conclusion of the provisional agreement before calculations, it is completely available to the client. Services are provided at the high level, at the same time, you cooperate with the checked, registered company paying taxes.
The multilisting system on which portal within a year we periodically made changes is at least effective in work in the real estate market.
EMLS is the innovative portal oriented to participants of the real estate market and its function – to increase the level of rendering services in this sphere.
This year our Association of realtors was replenished with new members, we expand, and that who for a long time in the market, and to beginners it isn't indifferent what it will be – the real estate market of Rostov.
We have some more requests for the introduction in YuPN, and we will consider them just today.
In addition to listed, we continue to insure professional activity of realtors of our companies, members of YPN in LLC Soglasiye Insurance Company.
It allows us to reduce risks of possible damage when carrying out real estate transactions.
Summing up the result of told, there is a wish to note that within a year was made much, and our activities were productive. Also it would be desirable to pay your attention to the law on realtor activities which will be adopted in the nearest future. The law provides self-regulation of professional activity, at the same time property responsibility of realtors is established and we are ready to its acceptance.
We are ready to accept in our Association new members, specialists in the case, persons interested to become a part of the professional market together with the Southern chamber of the real estate.

Added: 15.12.2016
View count: 4687