New tax benefits for large families

New tax benefits have been introduced for large families. Citizens raising three or more minor children will be able to issue them. If one of the children is already 18 years old, the parents will not be able to apply for tax benefits.
An additional deduction will be provided at the rate of 5 m2 per child in an apartment and 7 m2 in a residential building. According to the current legislation, an area of 10 square meters is not taxed. m for a room, 20 sq. m for an apartment and 50 sq. m for a private home. For example, if a family owns an apartment of 55 m2, in addition to the standard 20 m2, they will not be taxed another 15 m2, i.e. in General, 35 m2.
The more children there are in the family, the higher the deduction amount will be.
You can also get a deduction for 6 acres of land owned by the family. Ie, if the area of the plot is 10 m2, then you will pay tax only for 4 m2. When the land area is 6 acres or less, the tax is not charged at all.
Benefits are provided only for the property of individuals.
Only one tax deduction can be issued for each type of object. But if the property is owned by both parents, the tax deduction can be issued by each. The taxpayer chooses for which real estate he wants to receive a benefit.
To apply for a deduction, you must submit an application stating in it which object you plan to receive the benefit for. You also need to provide documents confirming the right to deduction.
You do not have to appear in person at the tax authorities to submit an application. You can send a request by registered mail or through your personal account on the FTS website.
If the tax authorities have information that the family has the status of large families, deductions can be made without an application. But in this case, an individual must contact the state authorities and notify them of which housing or land plot is planned to receive a benefit. If this information is not provided, specialists will independently issue a deduction for the object with the maximum calculated amount of tax.
With regard to land tax, another major change is envisaged in the form of restrictions on its maximum growth. The amount must not increase by more than 10% compared to the previous tax period. These rules do not apply only to those land plots that were purchased for housing construction and increased coefficients were used to calculate the tax on them.
Added: 03.10.2020
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