Maralin Ru - the partner of competition of the children's drawing "Work of My Dream" together with "the Notebook of Rostov" held in Rostov-on-Don on December 18, 2015 competition of children's drawing under the name "Work of My Dream". Agency of elite real estate Maralin Ru together with colleagues I became the partner of this fascinating action.
Of course, all children dream to become in the future someone: someone the astronaut who will fly round our planet, someone will conquer mountain peaks and will become the famous climber, and someone wants to become a cook and to make the biggest pie in the world.
A huge number of young residents of Rostov-on-Don took part in this competition. Participants became trained schools, pupils of orphanages, kindergartens and disabled children, and each of them presented bright drawings.
We are glad that the generation which at so early age chooses to itself a worthy profession grows in our country. Children want to become teachers, firefighters, doctors, archeologists, seamen and experts in other areas.
Among a set of drawings by popular vote which was taken from December 16 to December 18, three best works were chosen. And for the audience it appeared not an easy problem, after all all children's works bright and memorable, despite individual style of each of young artists. But after all winners were defined.
The author of work "Veterinarian" 9-year-old Alyona Golovko who received 21,62 percent of votes got the first place. On the second place 3-year-old Varvara Shadura's work under the name "Artist" - 13,51 percent of votes, and on the third – the picture "Ballerina" of 10-year-old Nastya Hidirova who collected 5,41 percent of spectator votes.
Winners of this remarkable competition received from the company Maralin Ru and partners the prizes chosen taking into account interests and age of everyone. Their delivery took place on December 18. Certainly, detection of young talents, and also their active advance among people, not indifferent to the fine arts, creation of the conditions allowing to open creative abilities of each child became the main objective of organizers of competition. And we consider that this task is solved. We congratulate prize-winners and everything who took part in competition!
Added: 19.12.2015
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