Maralin Ru - the member of the Southern chamber of real estate

Sale or real estate purchase – work labor-consuming, occupying a lot of time and forces. To study price policy of the market, to the buyer, as well as the seller, one day, and even months is required not. And it doesn't give a guarantee that the housing issue will be resolved. It is possible to accelerate end of the transaction of purchase and sale if to address in our agency of elite real estate Maralin Ru.
In 2014 we as continue to give together with members of non-profit partnership the Southern chamber of real estate to you help in carrying out transactions in short terms with the minimum expenses.
Recently the market of real estate stays in a condition of stagnation that is caused by a number of factors: rapid growth inflation, low income of the population, expensive credit offers. The market will be able to be out of balance only in case of structural changes in world economy. We not work the first year at the market of real estate and together with colleagues in principle and to the realtor direction, we seek to make it more civilized, working professionally and honestly both with members of the Southern chamber of real estate, and concerning clients.
Work with clients – on the first place therefore the staff of our agency periodically takes part in various training trainings and thematic seminars, filling up the knowledge base with information necessary for professional activity.
Besides, we cooperate with banks, insurance companies and other real estate agencies. We work with people taken place, got used to receive the best from life, respectively, we render top-level services. Qualitatively the individual approach and sequence of actions allows to solve any problem to us.
How quickly to sell object? Where to place advertizing? How to draw attention of buyers? Our agency of elite real estate Maralin Ru actively advances high-quality services in the real estate sphere, using modern methods of information transfer that allows to understand price policy of the market, to have idea of supply and demand.
In the work we use services of the professional photographer, presentation video, and also 3D rounds that gives the chance to the buyer to estimate housing in advance and to save time, having received necessary information.
All this guarantees a successful conclusion of the transaction.
In the activity we actively support and we use system of a separate commission, supporting, thus, the agreement of members of the Southern chamber of the real estate adopted in 2008 which essence is that payment of commission charges has to be paid not only the buyer, but also the direct customer of services of realtors. Earlier other rule was used – the final buyer that led to a tightening of terms of the solution of a housing question had to pay the commission. Using in work the full-fledged system considering interests of all participants of the transaction, we goes on the way of civilized development of the market. It allows to determine by all the available rules allowing successfully to exist our joint business.
Added: 04.07.2014
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