Who is eligible for free housing in 2021

140 categories of the population are eligible for free housing in 2021. Real estate is provided under a social rental agreement, and later this housing can be privatized.
What categories of priority can apply for housing: Participants of the Second World War, veterans of military operations, victims of the Chernobyl accident – to get on the queue, representatives of this category simply need to confirm their status. Family members of military personnel and law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty. Orphans, victims of natural disasters, disabled people. Employees of the court and the prosecutor's office who have held their position for at least 10 years. Large, low-income families and citizens who need to improve their living conditions. Teachers and health workers coming to rural areas.
If low-income families apply for housing, they need to confirm their low income. The total income of the family should be below the subsistence minimum in the region. The calculation takes into account not only the official salary, but also the scholarship, all social benefits, alimony, income from renting out residential or commercial real estate, and interest on bank deposits.
It is also mandatory to take into account all the taxable property of family members – cars, cottages, land plots, garages, etc.
Not all low-income families can qualify for free housing from the state. A citizen should either not have their own housing at all, or its area, taking into account the number of residents, should not exceed certain standards, which differ in each region. On average, this is 10 m2 per person.
The number of m2 and the level of income should not exceed the norm not only at the time of application, but also at the time when it is the turn to receive free housing.
In what cases can refuse to provide free housing: The applicant submitted an incomplete set of documents. The application contains false information. During the waiting time, the family's income increased, and new real estate appeared. Intentional deterioration of housing conditions – if the applicant is found to be cheating, re-placement in the queue is possible no earlier than in five years.
To get free housing from the state, you will need to be patient. The queue of beneficiaries moves very slowly. The average waiting period is 10-20 years.
Added: 19.06.2021
View count: 1229