Round table of the Southern chamber of the real estate with partners of VTB

On November 9, 2017 Park of Culture restaurant (Semashko St., 51) business a breakfast, between members of NP of the Southern chamber of the real estate and bank the partner Retail bank VTB in the Rostov region took place. A main objective of a meeting – continuation of collaboration over improving of interaction of realtor community in the Rostov region.
Representatives of "The southern chamber of the real estate" participated in an action:
Maralin Alexey Sergeyevich is the director of the agency of the elite real estate "Maralin Ru", the chairman of the board of NP Southern Chamber of the Real Estate, Begishev Yury Borisovich is the director of LLC Perspektiva (Azov), Pivovarova Galina Borisovna is head of marketing and advertizing, the analyst of LLC Don-MT nedvizhimost, Ignatushchenko Alexander Sergeyevich is the executive director of LLC TITLE Property Management Company, Balin Gennady Mikhaylovich is the director of office of Nagibin of LLC Centre nedvizhimosti Alex, Tyshchenko Lina Fiodorovna is the principal of LLC RSM, Simon Alexey Nikolaevich - the director of the central branch LLC Geneva, Mamina Renata Rishatovna is the deputy director of Atlas of the World real estate agency, Bondareva Yulia Vladimirovna is the director of Donstroy real estate agency, Petukhova Elena Nikolaevna is director of the company "Don – Rielt", Nazarova Diana Viktorovna is the CEO of PCH+, Melkumyan Ervand Rafaelevich is the deputy director "the Real estate 24"
Representatives of Retail bank VTB in the Rostov region and their assistants, in particular:
the Managing director of retail business of VTB in the Rostov region Strelnikov Vladimir Viktorovich and the managing director for a mortgage of retail business of VTB in the Rostov region Korchagin Maxim Vadimovich, Fedorishcheva Yulia Vladimirovna is the operation Expert with partners, Panina Maria Aleksandrovna is the operation Expert with partners and Kuznetsov Sergey Aleksandrovich — the expert of the press service.
Behind the round desktop the issues concerning forecasts of the market for 2018 and also further development plans for VTB were actively discussed. Attendees lifted a subject already given out, and not the reflexive credits, but new products offered by bank.
At least discussion of deposits and a mortgage rate became relevant that plays today an important role for buyers of the real estate, as well as questions of insurance. Discussion of opening of office of bank on issuance of credits in Azov and also combining of Bank of Moscow and integration of Pochta bank became one of subjects of a meeting.
Blockchain – technology of the future which will occupy the niche in business in the nearest future.
It is a peculiar database with information on any sphere which protection is realized by the mathematical algorithms allowing to make information unavailable, to exclude its change, deleting or plunder. Participants of the round desktop discussed issues of use of this technology and such unit of account as cryptocurrency.
Cooperation with the estimated companies, quality of the services rendered by them became one more discussed issue. Participants of a round table have noted that such companies have to be more open and loyal to clients. The meeting has allowed all attendees to reveal problems which should be solved in the nearest future, to set the new objects and the tasks promoting improvement of realtor activity and improvement of quality of the services rendered by realtors in the region.

Added: 12.11.2017
View count: 4742