Credit amnesty for debtors in Russia: reality or myth
Many Russians are now heavily indebted, and the number of debtors of banks and MFIs continues to grow. This is partly due to the coronavirus epidemic - over the past year, the financial situation of citizens has seriously shaken. People are looking for opportunities to solve material problems and turn to creditors. However, in the future, this leads to an increase in debt-not everyone can repay the debts.
Initiative of the leader of "Fair Russia"
In April 2021, the leader of the Fair Russia party, Sergei Mironov, proposed to write off the debts of Russians on the loans taken. According to Mironov's initiative, this can be done at the expense of the state debt of Bangladesh to Russia.
Today, Bangladesh owes the country $ 2.42 billion. The amount is not small, and it can cover the debts of most borrowers. The details of the process can be thought through.
The debt of Russians only on microloans today is more than 170 billion, but in rubles. Many debtors would be happy with such a decision on the part of the state. Borrowers regularly ask whether they are going to introduce a credit amnesty for debtors in Russia.
Can't a country that regularly forgives foreign debts help its citizens?
Why did this happen?
The serious debt of Russians is associated with several factors. In 2018-2019, the government promised an economic recovery in 2-3 years. This improved the demand for various goods and increased consumer activity. The authorities also stimulated sales in the real estate market - the demand for mortgages increased.
Suddenly, in 2020, an epidemic began in the world, which also swept Russia. Instead of prosperity, citizens faced unemployment, the need to stay at home and comply with the regime. The business is facing a serious challenge.
And only credit institutions have received an unprecedented number of customers - problems with work and finances increase the demand for loans.
Initiative creates false expectations
Russians should not expect a credit amnesty. Other politicians have already taken the initiative to help citizens with loans. However, such measures are not popular in the State Duma and do not find support. In addition, the forgiveness of debtors can lead to a wave of discontent among citizens who do not use loans or have already paid their debts. It is better to rely only on your own strength and try to repay your debts as quickly as possible. It is not recommended to delay payments while waiting for an amnesty.
Added: 22.05.2021
View count: 1365