What elite house to buy

Recently many even more often reflect about acquisition of own house. In that case when the person cares of the status and looks for luxury in combination with a cosiness and style, the preference is given to elite houses. But upon purchase of a cottage there are many questions. It is worth noticing that complexity is represented not by purchase of such houses which are often carried out by individual orders, and, therefore, are exclusive structures. Most of all problems arises with a choice of the elite house as each option has the characteristic differences.
So, how to choose the house of the dream and not to regret then about own choice?
First of all, it is necessary to estimate the area of the land plot of a chosen cottage. It is quite possible that you want to use this earth under a garden or a kitchen garden. If there is such opportunity, the cottage is selected with a fertile soil and a site of the suitable size. Elite houses in Rostov on Don can as be equipped with open pools. Such option indicates at once the high status of the owner of a mansion and emphasizes its esthetic tastes. However,
if the pool isn't present, it can be constructed in the presence of free space on a site.
The following on what it is worth paying attention is a protection. As a rule, elite houses are a part of the cottage settlement. Such settlements have the qualified protection that almost completely excludes attempts of a robbery or other illegal actions from the third parties. Security guards are selected carefully as quite influential people who simply won't want to see the layman safeguarding them property live in elite houses.
Perhaps, one of important factors upon purchase of a cottage is its site concerning the downtown.
Now sale of elite houses is most widespread in Rostov-on-Don in a distance from the downtown. It is connected with that people began to pay more attention to own health and health of the relatives, and therefore try to choose housing far away from the gas-polluted city. Besides elite houses are under construction near the pure primitive and untouched nature which well influences mentality of the person. For anybody not a secret that vanity of big cities causes a nervous stress in any person. Therefore purchase of own cottage not only will strongly assign to you the high status. But also will well affect both on physical, and on mental health.
Added: 04.07.2014
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