How to distinguish a professional realtor from an Amateur

The profession of a realtor exists at the intersection of several areas: marketing, investment, sales, legal bases in the field of family law and housing law, Understand all the intricacies of competent and guaranteed safe purchase of square meters is capable of only a trained specialist. That is why these professionals do not just inform customers about the possibility to buy or sell an apartment, house, office or warehouse, and accompany the client at all stages of the transaction.
Most of us buy an apartment only a few times for their lives, so do not have legal knowledge and do not follow the changes in the legislation.
It is unlikely that a simple layman will be able to answer the following questions without the help of a specialist. What documents should be prepared for the transaction to be recognized as legal? How to minimize the risk of purchasing property which had been illegally issued minor children or citizens, serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty? How not to be at the center of the property dispute?
The professional realtor will get acquainted with documents and will reveal possible risks even before will bring you on display to the apartment.
But this applies only to those professionals who are trained and pass the exam to obtain the certificate of the Russian Guild of Realtors in the specialty agent or real estate broker. Certified specialists clearly know what package of documents the seller must provide for the initial inspection and what you need to pay attention to when meeting with the owner.
In the Rostov region certification of real estate agents and brokers, as well as certification of real estate companies is carried out by the southern chamber of Real estate. Each employee of the Agency, certified in the southern chamber of Real estate, is trained to the standards of the Russian Guild of Realtors and annually confirms their knowledge. To check availability of the certificate can be anyone on the website YUPN in the section "Certified estate agents".
Why realtors need to constantly prove their qualifications?
Legislation in the field of real estate is constantly changing. The main purpose of the new legal acts is to minimize the risks of bona fide purchasers. For example, a few years ago, all the risks when buying a new building were laid on dolschika. Today each Builder has to insure the civil liability in case of bankruptcy. The insurance policy must be submitted to the registration authorities of real estate transactions. Be vigilant and refuse to buy in case the construction company has not insured its liability.
Every new normative act is the state's concern for the well-being of its citizens. But trusting the real estate transaction to non-professionals you can nullify all his efforts.
Ask your agent a few questions: What kind of deal can be declared invalid? What is the Statute of limitations on real estate transactions? How to protect yourself and confirm the capacity of the seller? This is a small part of the knowledge that realtors receive in the training center of the southern chamber of Real estate. Not only employees of large companies, but also private professionals who care about the well-being of their clients can be trained.
You want to be sure of quality of the services provided to you? Check out the real estate company and its experts on the website of the southern chamber of real estate
Added: 05.04.2018
View count: 3214