Life without the Internet: what will be with the market of real estate?

As already many guessed, it will be a question of the news which have appeared in mass media about possible shutdown in Russia of "world wide web".
"On the Internet today it is noisy – all discuss possible disconnection of Russians from the Network.
I found a little time and I decided to read more attentively written in a hurry, and even, it is possible to tell, excitement, articles of experts. It appeared, at plans of the Russian authorities there are actions which will allow to strengthen the Network sovereignty in our country. The special order concerns to them its management also. He will allow to disconnect the Internet in case of an emergency, for example, disorders or military operations.
The concept "disconnect the Internet" sounds strange, especially, in country scales.
It will be quite simple action in own apartment. The RuNet represents the uniform system mutually integrated with the global Internet. But, the main problem of Russia is that the most important parts of this system, such as hostings and data-centers, are located abroad. After all about 80-90 percent of the Russian sites are registered on a foreign hosting because it is more qualitative and cheaper. The infrastructure in our country doesn't exist.
We will return to the real estate sphere: what will be with the market without the Internet? Certainly, it practically will suspend activity of realtors and developers even if each of them has clients. The portals which tell about the goods, services provided by the company and its advantages have the majority of real estate agencies. With sites everything is clear – they can be moved on the Russian hosting. But how to be with target audience, a traffic?
Someone will tell that we did without the Internet in the 90th, and anything, worked not worse. The present market any more that, is present the big competition. And target audience another – buyers don't wish to leave the house. And there is nothing, after all it is enough to turn on the computer, comfortably to settle down in a chair and to find that is necessary for you among a set of alternative offers.
Professionals of the market spend for advertizing in the Network to 50-80 percent of the budget. And the result is.
The Internet allows to give in real time an assessment to quality of audience, to use targeting, to estimate conversion, depending on objectives quickly to change platforms and messages. Through the Network comes to 50 percent of clients, and transaction conversion very often exceeds level of other communication channels. For this reason participants of primary market fight for the clients on "world wide web" open spaces.
Certainly, in case of Network shutdown, it is possible to use outdoor advertizing, media media, television and radio.
The cost of such services will cost dearer, and advertizing carriers are handicapped, though have not always expedient (in case the developer has a small portfolio), but broad coverage of audience. Owners of real estate agencies will start making investments in outdoor advertizing, respectively, the prices will start raising by it. The advertizing rise in price, most likely, will be, and, because of change of target audience. Developers against decrease in volumes of crediting and decline in demand will be compelled to enter fight for the buyer, and can be even to increase the budget.
All these reasonings suggest an idea that without the full-fledged global Internet to all of us will be difficult.
I hope that this button isn't present)))
Added: 19.09.2014
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