Changes in the registration of wills and endowments in 2021

Notaries are often involved in the procedures of registration of wills and gifts. In 2021, Law No. 480-FZ was introduced, which changed the work with such documents. What has changed in the design of wills and endowments in 2021? Read more about this below.
QR codes are now being used
Forms of notarial documents will now be mandatory to have QR codes. The sign will be located in the lower-right corner of the document. This code is easy to scan for important information: Document type; surname, first name and patronymic of the applicant; when the contract was drawn up; Whether it is included in the EIS.
This will eliminate fakes and prevent fraudsters from taking the real estate of the real heirs. To check the code, you do not need to have a scanner - there are special applications for smartphones.
Solved the problem of errors in wills
If there was an inaccuracy in the will, then earlier the heir could lose the right to real estate. Today it has become easier to prove that a technical error was made. If such an error is found in the document (the name of the heir is written with a typo, a different number of the house or apartment is indicated), then you can contact the notary, and he will make a record of the correction.
Remote donation is now possible
The donor and the donee can live in different cities, which previously created certain difficulties when drawing up a gift card. Today, it is enough for each of them to apply to a notary at their place of residence. Notaries will contact you to formalize the contract through the EIS. Everything is done electronically, and electronic signatures are used. Participants in the process will need a simple electronic signature, while notaries will need a qualified one. Next, the document is registered in the UIS as an ordinary gift.
Data began to be sent to the Federal Tax Service faster
Notaries are required to notify the tax service about the registration of gift contracts. Previously, they had to do this within 5 days, today the notification process goes directly through the EIS in electronic form. Using the technology greatly simplifies the process.
The Federal Tax Service must monitor such transactions, because the donor must pay a tax (13% of the cadastral value of the object), if the donee is not a close relative.
To date, these changes are the main ones. They significantly change the process of making a donation and a will. Many changes simplify the procedure, this is especially true for remote design.
Added: 31.03.2021
View count: 1892