The State Duma approved bills of "country amnesty" and privatization extension
At the end of February the State Duma decided to consider two bills: about extension till March 1 of the next year of free privatization and till March 1, 2018 – "country amnesty". According to authors of the bill on extension of the program of free privatization, some citizens for quite objective reasons, didn't manage to issue housing in property before the date determined earlier. Generally it is Russians, whose residential real estate is recognized shabby and emergency.
Also within a year as legislators it is planned to approve the document which will allow to make free privatization termless for this category of people, as well as for people on the waiting list and orphans.
Otherwise the listed citizens can appear in unequal situation with those who already privatized real estate. In this regard the authorities need to provide guarantees of constitutional rights on housing.
The author of the bill - Elena Nikolaeva holding a post of the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on housing policy and housing and communal services. Amendments concern those who was registered as needing housing till January 1, 2013, children without parental support and orphan children. As Nikolaeva considers, the State Duma can expand lists with people on the waiting list of 2014 and citizens of the Crimea and Sevastopol. If these citizens show desire free of charge to receive housing in property, for emergence of the property right it isn't required to sign previously the contract of a sotsnaym and the subsequent privatization. Before deputies planned to prolong the program only for certain categories of the population, for example, for prisoners for one year.
Deputies also prolonged action of "country amnesty" of 2006.
As Pavel Krasheninnikov heading committee on the legislation in three years specified about 10 million citizens having only documents on the earth without permissions to input of object will be able to use it. He considers that the increase in number of owners will allow to increase the number of middle class and will provoke growth of economic potential in the country.
Extension of "country amnesty" is caused by that the most part of houses, dachas and gardens didn't undergo procedure of state registration because of shortage of documentation or discrepancy acting laws. Krasheninnikov in the explanatory note to the project noted that the simplified registration is applied by citizens actively.
Added: 03.03.2015
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