Electronic signature in real estate transactions. Updates

According to Federal Law No. 120-FZ of 30.04.2021, since November of this year, the procedure for using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (UKEP) in real estate transactions has changed. Innovations are designed to simplify and speed up some procedures, reduce their cost.
Surveying Online
When surveying, it is necessary to coordinate the boundaries of land plots with neighbors. Now the procedure can be executed electronically if the location of allotments is reflected on the boundary plan, and each of the participants has issued a UKEP. Objections that have arisen in the process of surveying can also be recorded in the form of an electronic document.
Mortgage repayment
Rosreestr has received the right to notify all interested parties - the mortgagor and the mortgagee - that the mortgage registration records have been repaid. There was no such service before.
The agency will inform banks using web services. Citizens will receive a notification in their personal account on the Public Services website or in a letter sent by e-mail. To enter the portal, it is enough to have a simple electronic signature (password and login).
Sale of real estate
The law made it possible to shorten the registration period for equity participation agreements for real estate developers. If the developer applies to the MFC, the documents will be ready not after 9 working days, but after 7. If the developer prefers electronic document management, then 3 working days are enough to carry out registration actions.
In order to make a transaction for the purchase and sale of real estate on the secondary market using the UKEP, applicants must still submit a corresponding application to the MFC in advance.
If a transaction is concluded between state and local government bodies and a citizen, then the latter does not need an electronic signature. These organizations have the right to independently create a scanned image of an application personally signed by an individual, as well as certify it.
UKEP in 2022
In 2021-2022, a new version of Federal Law No. 63-FZ of 06.04.2011 "On Electronic Signature" comes into force. As a result, from next year, the owners of UKEP issued by organizations that have not been re-accredited according to the new requirements will be invalid. If the authorized center has completed this procedure successfully, its products will be valid until the expiration date.
Added: 03.12.2021
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