Day of the realtor! Our professional holiday

Dear colleagues!
I want to congratulate sincerely you on a professional holiday - Day of the Realtor!
The realtor - a profession honourable and many-sided. After all the person who chose such hard work has to possess a set of qualities, including strength of mind, commitment and a huge stock of energy.
Thanks to professionalism and diligence, you realize one of the major national objectives – providing citizens with housing, and, respectively, creation of comfort not only for accommodation and productive work, but also rest. You do achievable dream of a huge number of people – to live in the house.
Realtors carry out a set of functions: assistance in registration of documentation, various consultations, ensuring confidentiality and legal safety of transactions, informing clients on a situation in the market of real estate. Without your support it is impossible to carry out any even the simplest transaction.
Those who chose this profession, try to reach heights not only in the material plan, but also qualitatively to perform the work. And I don't doubt that you can solve even the most complex problem. Especially, if besides knowledge of specifics of the market of real estate and technology of carrying out transactions, you possess also usual human qualities, such as patience, honesty, ability to listen. Only this way it is possible to succeed in hard work of the realtor.
I wish you new ideas, prosperity, professional growth, it is more than interesting transactions, persistence at achievement of goals. Be wiser, making important decisions, and you, without doubts, will reach the level of which it is possible to be proud!
With respect, Alexey Maralin
Added: 08.02.2015
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