What happened to demand in the real estate market?
Today any more isn't news that prices of oil are exposed to adjustment in the smaller party, and in Russia economic recession, as well as that with approach of spring the RTS index surely reduced the positions in comparison with the active growth of the Dow Jones index is observed. All this negatively affected both an economic situation of our country, and in the real estate market.
The collapse in prices on gold too played a role.
You thought: and here real estate? Matter in that, both that, and another represents the main material assets. The history with Cyprus became not less "interesting": actively developing island where real estate prices constantly grew, suddenly became necessary to nobody!
According to the German officials, experience of Cyprus can be applied in other problem European countries, and, so they are waited by the same destiny – a minute quantity of "real money", indecently high prices of everything and benefit that who in short terms sold acquired in a stock. Experts consider that in the spring of price of gold went down thanks to news that Cyprus plans sale of part of the stock of gold. It will allow to satisfy debts. In world scales this volume isn't great, but it sufficed that quotations decreased by 15%. If other, larger countries start selling the stock of gold, what will happen to the price? And how it will affect the cost of their lands and real estate?
After all offers the huge number, and is really necessary for the consumer much less.
In our country the majority acquire real estate for the purpose of investments. And such tendency arose not now, and nearly a decade ago. It should be noted that considerable sales of such apartments it isn't observed, and, even in crisis practically nobody wished to leave the fallen in price real estate, after all it was acquired not in loans and there was no place to invest this money. In turn, the authorities from next year plan to establish a real estate tax which will make only 0,1% of annual market cost whereas it is equal in other countries from 1% to 2% and of 5% to 10% a year. Certainly, procedure of compulsory sale of housing for housing-and-municipal debts is "much more entertaining", after all the cost of housing and communal services is equal somewhere to 1% from market housing cost that above the planned size of a tax. Often those who invested, don't pay municipal, since. don't live in these apartments, respectively, at sale plan to shift debts to other owners. The debt collects, and such housing should be sold forcibly.
Recently in the country growth of volumes of construction is observed.
After all small amount of offers promoted keeping of the prices at high level even in crisis when solvency of the population was low. As developers intend to increase construction volumes, it will increase the volume of offers. And whether it is enough on these offers of demand at the today's prices, remains undecided. Volumes of new buildings grow, non-residential premises are used under housing. These factors, on the one hand, promote increase in number of offers, but if in addition to it the macroeconomic background in connection with reduction of prices of oil, actions, gold and real estate abroad considerably worsens, the income and solvency of buyers will decrease.
Besides, new bills make investments into real estate less attractive.
This situation is a reason for concern. There can be it and won't worsen, but in similar conditions it is better for participants of the market to adhere to other strategy in business, giving an adequate assessment a possible negative factor that will allow to endure the next aggravations without loss.
Added: 04.07.2014
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