What to do after buying a home

After buying a home, the paperwork for its owner is not over. There are still a number of important bureaucratic issues to be resolved. This should be done immediately after receiving the property in the property.
Re-registration of documents for communications
You are now the new owner and all utility payments will be made on your behalf. Therefore, it is necessary to visit all the services to update the new data. Documents on communication reregistered in the city, the energy supplier, Vodokanal.
Bring a photo ID and a document confirming the right to housing.
Registration at the new place of residence
Even if you already have a permanent residence permit, it is worth thinking about how to check out from the previous place of residence and register in the new housing. This will allow you to address any questions to the nearest state institutions to your place of residence.
To apply for a residence permit is possible in MFC, the passport office of the management company (if any), the passport office, the nearest branch of the interior Ministry, online online Services.
Register in the new housing needs all-and constantly, and temporarily living. Persons who violate the law face a fine. In case of change of registration do not forget to inform the new data to the employer, in Bank, military registration and enlistment office (for those who consists on the account).
Appeal to the management company
Contact the management company, homeowners ' Association or Housing cooperative is necessary to renegotiate the contract for the provision of housing services to the new owner. Fill out the application in any form, attach a copy of your passport and transfer act.
And do not forget to take a contact phone number, which can be quickly contacted by representatives of the company.
Conclusion of contracts with Telecom operators
You can renew the contract with the telephone and Internet operator already servicing your accommodation or conclude a contract with another company. Also, if necessary, you can completely or temporarily abandon the services of the provider.
Complementary services
To ensure the comfort of loved ones, you can sign a contract for additional services: alarm installation, water delivery, real estate insurance, etc.
Minor issues do not necessarily deal with immediately after the purchase of housing.
On this [going on all instances are over. You can safely deal with the move and plan your housewarming!
Added: 11.12.2019
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