What you can find in the free version of the statement from the usrn

The unified state register of real estate (usrn) contains data about real estate objects in Russia and their owners. It is not possible to make a transaction without a recent statement from the usrn, since it provides information about the owner of the property and the object at the moment. In addition, the buyer will find out from the statement whether there is no restriction on the owner's right, and how often the owners changed. This information will help you understand whether to buy this apartment or country house.
An extract from the usrn can be ordered at the MFC or on the Rosreestr website. The cost of the statement for individuals is 300 rubles and higher. Some online resources offer to get a statement for free.
What data does the free version of the usrn statement contain?
The statement contains the following information: Name of the body that made the state registration of rights. Date of registration of the property. Cadastral number. When you first enter information about real estate in the register, the item is assigned a unique number, which does not change in the future. Cadastral value. It is set during the cadastral evaluation of a specific object. It may differ from the market value. It is the base for calculating real estate tax. purpose of the object, its area. Here you can specify the number of storeys of the building and the materials from which it is made. The address of the object. Data about current and previous owners. Indicates the number of owners at the moment, the period of ownership. If there were previous owners, information about them is provided. Encumbrances. Information about possible arrest, mortgage, life annuity, decision to withdraw or other restrictions is reflected. date of signing the statement and its outgoing number.
Encumbrances are not always an obstacle to buying or selling an apartment. With some of them, transactions are allowed. A serious problem becomes an arrest for the owner's debts or a mortgage. Therefore, the buyer should know that the property is not a Bank Deposit and is not under arrest.
If there is a mortgage, the transaction will have to be approved with the Bank.
The seller's submission of a contract of sale or certificate of ownership does not confirm that it is the owner at the time of the upcoming transaction. The owner may have changed several times, which you can only find out from a recent statement from the unified state register of entrepreneurs. An extract from the state register is a guarantee that the owner's rights are not limited by court decisions, that he has the right to dispose of real estate and the upcoming transaction is legal.
Added: 20.08.2020
View count: 1924