Центробанк предложил сделать кредитные каникулы постоянными

During the pandemic, banks provided their borrowers with credit holidays in strictly limited terms. Today, such a practice is planned to be resumed, but on a permanent basis.
The Central Bank proposes to introduce regularity in the provision of credit holidays to borrowers.
This service will help people facing financial difficulties to temporarily reduce their mortgage payments or to pause payments for up to six months. It is assumed that during this period of time they will be able to restore their solvency and continue to pay on loans.
It is worth noting that the document contains several points that allow you to reduce the number of people who want to use the new service.
For example, in the regions, the loan amount cannot be higher than 3 million rubles. At the same time, the current incomes of borrowers should decrease by at least 30%.
Those who do not meet the necessary criteria will still have access to banks' internal mortgage restructuring programs.

Added: 22.11.2022
View count: 1161