Avito monopolizes the real estate business. A court or a partnership

In March 2024, Avito blocked our Maralin account after 15 years of cooperation. Despite the evidence presented about the unreasonableness of this blocking, I have not received a specific answer to the question: "For what reason was access to the account closed?" All requests to the support service ended with formal unsubscriptions and general phrases about the inability to explain the exact reason for the block. Then I decided to open a new account in the summer of 2024. It lasted only a month. It was blocked in August. Yes..... he was blocked too. Allegedly for violating the rules of ad placement. Nevertheless, together with the team, I created a third account, which was closed to us quite recently – on September 24. What's the matter? Avito claims that the Maralin luxury real estate agency places ads in which data on real estate objects do not correspond to reality. Simply put, according to Avito employees, we post tempting ads, and thus mislead customers and visitors of the site. And none of the employees of the platform even asks the question: "Can a serious luxury real estate agency take such risks?" After all, the answer is obvious. Can not. So, I'll introduce myself. I, Alexey Maralin, have been the head of a real estate agency since 2000. The elite direction in the market began to develop back in 2009. I live and work in Rostov. The property has an office in the city center. There is a personal customer base: high-income people who often apply again when they purchase real estate with my help, for example, for children or grandchildren. I value the reputation of my Maralin agency. At the same time, I am a member of the Russian Guild of Realtors, as well as a resident of the Southern Chamber of Real Estate. As the head, I regularly represent the interests of the agency at major All-Russian real estate congresses. We have received many awards. Our website is recognized as the best in terms of design and content of the catalog. It provides high-quality information about luxury real estate. My team and I are professional, certified market participants, and it is not profitable for us and there is no need to post false information. I want to emphasize that Maralin works with elite real estate, with a niche of high investments. This is not a mass market, comfort or comfort plus. Here in the houses of the middle price segment there is a wide selection of apartments, more or less similar in cost, comfort and accessibility. There are many such apartments. And, here, realtors sometimes resort to tricks: place an ad at the most attractive price or reset the cost of an apartment by thousands of 100,000, 500,000, or even 1,000,000. This makes it easier to gather customers and calmly show them other objects, of which there are a lot now. In the case of luxury real estate, such an approach is basically impossible. Each luxury housing facility is unique and is presented, as a rule, in a single copy. Here you can not throw an ad that the house is worth 60,000,000 or 165,000,000 million, and at a meeting say that it is not there and show a few more almost like that, but more expensive or cheaper. It's unreal. We do not have the desire and opportunity to work like this. Maralin's clients are wealthy people. They will not be distracted by an unprofessional approach. They value their time and know that we only show real objects. We are trusted, known and respected. Perhaps Avito does not allow its partners to work on the site intentionally, because right now it is seizing the information space in the real estate market. They are introducing the Comfortable Deal service, in which they offer their own, as they call partner real estate agencies, which, for a percentage, can provide services to owners for sale. By the way, this is how monopolies are created, which kill small and medium-sized businesses in the country. And I do not think that Maralin is the only company that has suffered from unjustified blocking of Avito, so I will continue to look into this murky story. Only within the legal framework. And today is the day when the first meeting was held ……
Added: 26.11.2024
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