The analysis of the market of the elite real estate 2017 and forecast for 2018

The market of the elite real estate, as well as any other segment, annually is modified, and the market of Rostov-on-Don – not an exception. Offers are present at a large number, buyers are in premium class objects actively interested too. Acquisition of any real estate object represents the favorable investment allowing not only to keep, but also to increase the capital.
In 2017 in the real estate market there were considerable changes, one of which is consumer demand. Potential owners more are interested now in new elite housing.
It is connected, first of all, with the fact that the majority is preferred by the houses with new design repair executed in modern architectural concepts. Apartments also choose in new buildings. It has significantly influenced decrease in demand for secondary housing.
Most of buyers began to get the land plots under building.
If you aren't ready to such long process as construction of own house, you can find a set of interesting offers of secondary housing in our catalog at acceptable cost.
Active development of the market in construction of new private houses and multystoried new buildings is observed. Those who have enough means and time spend them for building, or repair apartments. The buyers preferring to save and, both time, and money, stop the choice on already ready secondary housing.
Also decrease in an interest rate for the credits has affected consumer demand.
The residential real estate, including, and an elite class, always a reliable object for investments. But buyers for such investments have preferred not to dig up resource from business that has allowed to increase ability to purchase. They have chosen easier and favorable way: to bring 20-40% of an initial contribution, at the same time, working process doesn't stop, to issue the credit, and without difficulties to pay it before an established period. Result of such actions – purchase of the new house or apartment, payment payment by installments in bank and unceasing working process.
In the elite market has appeared much more attractive and objects, as in respect of architecture, for example, in the private sector and new buildings, and in respect of finishing. Today it is possible to meet the objects differing in original and stylish interiors. Homeowners even more often began to address professional designers to issue him in uniform style. It allows not only to make the house or the apartment exclusive, but also to increase project cost at the subsequent sale.
According to forecasts on future, 2018, the real estate market will be replenished with a set of new non-standard offers, and, objects will also differ in new architectural and finishing concepts.
Certainly, most of readers interests a question – what will happen to the prices? Cost was always one of the defining criteria of purchase of this or that object. It is possible to express confidence: if new housing now in the TOP, then, the probability of reduction of prices is small, demand for the elite real estate after all is present.
The Maralin Ru company in the current year has achieved extensive experience on sales, actively developing the activity. 2017 became for us a peculiar reserve for further successful work and the subsequent development. In 2018 we plan to continue to work on improvement of the market in the Rostov region, to conduct constructive dialogues with partners, to improve quality of the rendered services in the sphere of the real estate.
Added: 20.12.2017
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