Alexey Maralin - the chairman of the board of NP "Southern Chamber of Real Estate"
The Southern Chamber of Real Estate non-profit partnership is created 12 years ago, and initially was called as "The southern guild of realtors and appraisers". For this, quite long period of work a lot of things were made. After all the main objective of creation of Chamber consists in coordination of work of her members, and also assistance in development of the market of real estate both in Rostov, and in all region. The Chamber includes 64 realtor companies, including municipal realtor guilds of Sochi, Taganrog and Novocherkassk.
The concept of development of "The southern chamber of real estate" defined for the next two years consists in creation and improvement of uniform standards of work of realtors, strengthening of legal support of activity of members of Chamber, and also activization of training and certification of agents and brokers.
Carrying out monitoring of quality of the rendered services and mechanisms used at permission of professional disputes is also planned. And work on all planned directions already successfully is conducted, thanks to the saved-up experience, knowledge and intellectual potential. Certification of realtors of Rostov-on-Don and the region is actively carried out – qualification more than 600 agents and brokers is confirmed. The set of partner agreements is concluded, training process is adjusted. Besides, the partnership takes part in thematic round tables, forums and juice marathons.
Recently the decision on change of the management of non-profit partnership was made. At general meeting of Chamber worthy candidates two of which submitted the programs on November 10 were briskly discussed. In a voting process Maralin Alexey-the head of Maralin Ru which is 5 years the member of Chamber was elected the chairman of the board of NP "Southern Chamber of Real Estate".
Our company completely supports and applies the agreements adopted by partnership in the activity.
According to A. Maralin, the main objective of Chamber is building relations and interactions between the realtor companies. Only through joint efforts, using the full-fledged system allowing to consider interests of all participants in the activity we will be able to create the civilized market of real estate. All this will allow to exist successfully to our business, to strengthen image of a profession the realtor.
Added: 13.11.2015
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