On March 18 there will pass round tables of NP UPN and Sberbank
The Southern Chamber of Real Estate non-profit partnership and PAO Sberbank will meet on March 18 in Rostov-on-Don at a round table for summing up cooperation with members of YuPN. Action which number of participants will make about 500 people among them heads of the realtor companies, representatives of PJSC Sberbank, lawyers and the notary of the Rostov notarial district, will take place in the Conference room of the main office of "Sberbank" of Rostov-on-Don, on Evdokimov St.
The program of a meeting includes conference during which representatives of PAO Sberbank will act. A subject of performances – collaboration results with the Southern chamber of real estate.
At conference it is also planned to discuss short stories and features of registration of transactions with real estate, including their notarial certificate. The staff of PAO Sberbank will make the report on "Effective technologies of interaction of the realtor companies and PAO Sberbank.
Not less interesting subject of discussion will become a way and prospect of further cooperation of PAO Sberbank and "The southern chamber of real estate". It is planned to discuss changes in work of the realtor companies of the Southern Federal District, and also continuation of active use of system of a separate commission and Uniform multilisting system.
Besides, plans for training of realtors of the region will be read. It should be noted that NP Southern Chamber of Real Estate will be reorganized into Association and preparation of necessary documents for joining SRO is already conducted. In completion of conference the leading business coach, the director of the company "Rielt-academy" Sergey Kruts who will submit the program about development of Internet technologies will act.
At 13:30, after a lunch break, there will begin the work round tables.
In the Hall No. 1 of the main office of PAO Sberbank the meeting of a round table on the subject "Nekkomerchesky Partnership " the Southern Chamber of Real Estate " — the Locomotive or a Brake of Development of the Market of Real Estate" will take place. Presence of 30 participants is supposed.
In the Hall No. 2 there will pass the round table on a subject "System of a separate commission at commission of joint transactions between the realtor companies. MLS as the effective tool when carrying out joint transactions between the realtor companies of NP UPN. About 20 people will take part in this round table.
In the Hall No. 3 the quarter-final and a semi-final of realtor duels between the realtor companies of Rostov-on-Don which Sergey Kruts will become leading will take place. Experts of the market of real estate will be a part of jury. The number of participants - 50 people.
After that there will pass coffee break, and from 15:30 in the Big Hall the final of realtor duels where will win against the strongest will take place. The realtor duel developed on special technology allows participants to gain skills of professional skill. Besides, such duels significantly improve skills and financial performance, give the chance to get advantages in negotiations not only with colleagues, but also partners and clients, to use new receptions and the forms of government in work, to be able to predict a situation and its development.
Main objective of such duels is development at participants of skills of effective work, formation of criteria of the successful realtor. The duel includes training, team competitions, games, PR actions for agencies. During the competition which is carried out on the Olympic system in three steps, participants will be able to change roles, and jury – to express the opinion on the made mistakes or the positive moments. The assessment is carried out on 5-ball system. The audience will be able to express the opinion also.
Visitors of actions of NP Southern Chamber of Real Estate and PAO Sberbank are given an opportunity not only to increase the level, but also to get advice of professionals in the sphere of real estate that will become one more stage of development.
Added: 10.03.2016
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